Amador County








      William H. Richards, postmaster at Amador City and one of this community’s native born citizens, has spent his life here and is numbered among its substantial and progressive men.  He was born on the 24th of April, 1898, and is a son of Thomas and Carrie (Hambley) Richards.  His father was a native of England, from which country he came to the United States in boyhood, locating in Amador City, where he spent practically the remainder of his life.  At the time of his death, in 1911, he was superintendent of a mine in Old Mexico.  His wife, who died in 1907, was born and reared in Amador City.  To them were born two sons and a daughter.

      William H. Richards was educated in the local schools to the age of sixteen years, when he was compelled to go to work.  He was employed in the mines and the gold mills, following that line until his appointment to his present position as postmaster, at which time he was serving as an engineer at the mines.  In 1928 he was commissioned postmaster and at the same time took over the business which he now handles in connection with his official duties.  He carries a well selected stock of general novelties and a full line of proprietary remedies and commands a large trade.  As postmaster he is careful and painstaking in his efforts to render the highest quality of service.

      Mr. Richards was united in marriage to Miss Hilda Callaghan, who is a native of England, but was reared in Colusa County, this state.  He is a staunch Republican in his political views and is a Native Son of the Golden West, being descended from old pioneer stock.  He is well liked by all who know him, for he possesses to a marked degree those qualities which commend him to the good opinion of his fellowmen, for he is a steady, hard-working man, thorough in everything that he undertakes, and has proved well worthy of the high place which he holds in public esteem.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3, Pages 63-64. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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