Amador County








            Through the years of his identification with the interests of California Mr. Reichling has watched the marvelous growth and development of the state, for he came to the Pacific coast when this region was sparsely settled and when the work of civilization had scarcely begun.  He has been an active factor in the business affairs of Amador County and at all times his honorable methods and straightforward dealing have gained for him the confidence, good will and respect of those with whom he has been brought in contact.

            Mr. Reichling is a native of Prussia, Germany, his birth having occurred there on the 18th of December, 1824.  His parents, Jacob and Mary (Clafman) Reichling, were also natives of Germany and the father was a forester by occupation.  Both he and his wife were devout members of the Catholic Church, and were people of the highest respectability.  He lived to be eighty-three years of age, while his wife passed away at the age of seventy-five years.  They were the parents of ten children, of whom only four are now living.

            Peter Reichling was educated in the schools of his native country and there spent the days of his minority.  In 1856 he bade adieu to friends and fatherland and sailed for the new world with the hope that he might better his financial condition thereby.  In December of the same year he arrived at Volcano, Amador County, California, where he resided with his brother Francis, who had crossed the plains to California in 1849.  Together they engaged in purchasing gold from the miners who took the precious metal from the earth, and in 1858 Mr. Reichling, of this review, came to Jackson and opened a jewelry store, which he conducted in connection with the other branches of the business.  He handled large amounts of gold, shipping it to San Francisco and Sacramento, having an account with banks in both of those cities.

            He enjoyed an unlimited credit, the banks honoring his check for any amount.  In this way for many years he served as a private banker for the miners and was of material assistance to the business interests of the town.  He acted as his own assayer and the gold was received at banks without question, such was his known honesty in business affairs.  Through all the years he was also extensively engaged in the development of the rich mineral resources of the state, for ten years occupying the position of superintendent of the Kennedy mine, and is now one of the principal owners of the Anita mine, which has an eight-hundred foot shaft on the main ledge of the Mather lode.  Mr. Reichling has prosecuted his business interests with such energy that he has won most desirable success and is today one of the wealthiest residents in Jackson.

            In 1861 occurred his marriage to Miss Antonie Kroll, a native of Germany, and they have six children, namely:  Oscar, Walter, Olga, Lilly, Clara and Wanda.  The daughter Clara is now the wife of David C. Chambers.  Mr. Reichling is one of the oldest representatives of the Masonic fraternity in Jackson and also has a membership relation with the Chosen Friends.  In politics he has been a lifelong Republican, unswerving in his support of the principles of the party.  He and his family occupy a nice home in Jackson and have the respect of all those who know them.  He has been the architect of his own fortune and has builded wisely and well.  His life has ever been an honorable, active and useful one, and over his business record there falls no shadow of wrong or suspicion of evil, his reputation in business circles being at all times unassailable.  Such a history certainly demonstrates the truth of the fact that honesty is the best policy, and should serve to encourage others to pursue a course that will at all times bear the closest investigation.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 241-242. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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