Amador County








            A man well known in business circles, Mr. Nichols is engaged in carriage making and blacksmithing in Ione, and the success he has achieved is the direct reward of his own efforts.  He is numbered among the native sons of Amador County, his birth having occurred on the 20th of December, 1859.  His father, Edward Nichols, became a resident of California in the winter of 1853-4.  He was born in New York, but was reared in Ohio.  The paternal grandfather of our subject was a native of Pennsylvania and was of German lineage.  At the time of the Revolutionary War he valiantly aided the colonies in their struggle for independence.  In 1853 Edward Nichols started for the Pacific coast with ox teams.  He was not disturbed by the Indians and made a safe journey, locating in Shasta County, California, where he engaged in placer mining with good success.  Subsequently he came to the Sacramento Valley and for two years was engaged in farming on the banks of the Sacramento River.  He next moved to Drytown, in Amador County, and again engaged in placer mining and in the butchering business until his removal to Carbondale, when he rented a ranch.

            As a companion and helpmate on life’s journey he chose Miss Mary C. Armstrong and they located on Drytown Creek where he engaged in farming for three years.  Then returning to Carbondale he purchased a ranch of one hundred and sixty acres, continuing its cultivation until his removal to the Buckeye valley where he bought the farm which he cultivated and improved up to the time of his death, which occurred in 1875, when he was forty-five years of age.  He left a widow and six children.  Mrs. Nichols is still living at the age of sixty-one years, making her home on the farm which was left her by her husband.  She came to California in 1852 with her father, and is one of the esteemed pioneer women of the state.  Of her children five are still living and are respected citizens of Amador County.

            Albert F. Nichols, the eldest of the family, remained with his parents during his boyhood and to the public-school system he is indebted for the educational privileges he enjoyed.  He learned the trade of carriage making and blacksmithing in Ione and began business on his own in 1889.  During the intervening years he has built up the largest trade in his line in this part of the country.  He is an expert workman, having a thorough understanding of mechanical principles, and at the same time is thoroughly versed in the practical work of the occupations to which he devotes his energies.  In addition to his business he owns a farm of ninety acres in Carbondale.

            Mr. Nichols is the owner of a pleasant home on Preston Avenue, which is presided over by the lady who in her maidenhood was Miss Elizabeth Meiss.  They were married in 1890 and she is a native of Drytown, a daughter of Lewis Meiss.  They have two children, Marion and Lloyd.  Socially Mr. Nichols is identified with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and his brethren in the fraternity have demonstrated their confidence in and friendship for him by electing him to various offices in the lodge.  In his political views he is a Republican and earnest in his advocacy of the party principles.  All who know him esteem him for his sterling worth, and his life history well merits a place in this volume.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 723-724. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2011  Gerald Iaquinta.



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