Amador County








            Jacob Newman, who is engaged in general merchandising at Ione, came to California in 1861, and has witnessed the great changes which have been wrought in the intervening years.  A native of Germany, he was born December 22, 1845, and in the fatherland acquired his education.  He was only sixteen years of age when he arrived in California.  He landed in New York on the 22d of June, 1860, coming to this country a poor boy, with but little knowledge of the English language, yet possessed of strong determination, integrity and energy, qualities which always command respect and insure success.  For six years he engaged in clerking for his brother George.

            In 1864 he became a resident of Virginia City, California, and worked at whatever employment was offered that would yield him an honest living.  He made three hundred dollars per month for four months and was then taken ill, after which he returned to Sutter Creek.  When he had sufficiently recovered he engaged in peddling, selling goods all over the county.  In this manner he became widely acquainted with the early settlers and later he entered into partnership with Morris Brinn, with whom he continued for three years.  On the expiration of that period he came to Ione, and the firm of Newman & Brother was established.  Subsequently they opened a store in Jackson under the firm name of L. Newman & Company.  The partnership was dissolved in 1888, and our subject continued as the owner and manager of the business in Ione.  In 1893 Mr. Bagley was taken into the firm and the business has since been carried on under the style of Newman & Bagley.

            In his commercial efforts our subject has met with very gratifying success and is recognized as an active and capable businessman who has built up a large trade.  He carries an extensive stock of general merchandise, such as in demand by the general trade, and his reasonable prices, uniform courtesy and honorable dealing have secured him a liberal patronage.  For twenty-seven years he has been connected with the mercantile interests in Ione, where he is widely recognized as an influential and progressive representative of the commercial activity of the town.

            In 1885 Mr. Newman was united in marriage to Miss Mary Emanuel, a native of San Francisco and a daughter of Isaac Emanuel, of that city.  Mr. and Mrs. Newman are members of the Hebrew church.  He was made a Master Mason in Ione Lodge, No. 80, F. & A. M., in 1875, and since 1867 has held membership relations with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, having passed all the chairs in both the subordinate lodge and the encampment.  He has also served as a representative of both branches of that order in the grand lodge.  He is likewise a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen and the “Foresters.  In politics he is a Democrat, but the honors and emoluments of public office have had no attraction for him.  He is a man of much force of character and strong individuality and his pleasant social manner has won him a host of warm friends.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 534-535. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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