Amador County









            As we look back over the life record of John B. Linn we note there are many elements in his character worthy of emulation, and from the time he came to California as one of its pioneers in 1852 until his death he ever merited the high regard of those with whom he was associated.  He was born in Mansfield, Ohio, on the 9th of August, 1825, and was of Scotch lineage.

            Attracted by the discovery of gold in California, he made the long and arduous journey across the hot and arid plains with oxen, and the company with which he traveled suffered both from smallpox and cholera; but he was fortunate enough to escape both.  The train was a large one and therefore was not attacked by the bands of hostile Indians who rendered life very insecure to many of the western pilgrims who journeyed toward the Mecca of their hopes in California.  While on their way a man and his wife died, leaving his two little girls, and Mr. Linn and his three companions brought the little ones to California and secured for them homes in Placerville.  This is but one of the many indications that might be given of his kindness of heart and his broad human sympathy.  He first engaged in mining at Placerville, but after a short time secured work at driving oxen used in hauling logs.  After four years spent in California, in which his labors brought to him an excellent money return, he again went to the east by way of the water route to visit his friends and relatives there.  During his stay he was happily married, on the 12th of April, 1857, to Miss Kate M. Park, a daughter of William Park, of Ohio, who resided six miles from Tiffin.  Two weeks after the wedding the young couple started for California.  They made their way over the Atlantic waters, crossed the Isthmus of Panama to the Pacific Ocean and proceeded up the coast to San Francisco.

            They then continued their journey to Jackson, Amador County, where Mr. Linn again engaged in mining, but soon after resumed his old occupation of teaming with oxen, hauling logs to the sawmill.  After four years his wife returned on a visit to her relatives in the east and remained there for two years, when she returned to her husband in California and they resided in San Francisco for some time.  Subsequently they went to Napa Valley and Mr. Linn aided in the erection of a large elevator at Vallejo, where he was also engaged in other important work.  In 1876 he purchased his farm of one hundred and sixty acres about a mile from the town of Towle.  He was for six years in the employ of the Towle Brothers hauling logs for them to the mills and was a most fortunate and capable man in the lumber business.

            While residing in Amador County he creditably filled the office of county assessor.  He had in youth been an advocate of the Democracy, but his love for his country caused him to vote for Abraham Lincoln when it seemed imminent that the country would become involved in civil war.  From that time until his death he was found in the ranks of the Republican Party, earnestly supporting its men and measures.  He was also a valued member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows.  On the 9th of April, 1883, he departed this life and the community mourned the loss of one of its valued citizens and his family a faithful husband and father.  He was widely and favorably known throughout the county and he left to his family the priceless heritage of a good name.  He was survived by his wife and three children, namely:  William E., Hattie H. and John Albert.  The daughter is now the wife of Charles H. Decker.  The younger son is in the employ of Towle Brothers Company, and is the tallest man in Placer County, being six feet, seven and one-half inches in height, his weight being two hundred and thirty-five pounds.  The eldest son, William E. Linn, married Hattie M. Lee, a daughter of William Lee, a respected pioneer and neighbor of the Linn family.  One child graces the marriage, Mabel Clare.  William E. Linn is operating the home farm, which is carried on under the direction of his and his mother’s management. They have fourteen hundred winter apple trees on the farm and have sold fruit to the value of three thousand dollars in a single season.  They also raise other products on the farm, such as hay and vegetables, and even their sales of butter and eggs are extensive.  This is one of the valuable farming properties of the county and is improved with a good residence and all modern conveniences and accessories.  William E. Linn is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows.  His mother is a member of the Rebekah and Oriental Eastern Star lodges.  The family is one of prominence in the community, enjoying a wide acquaintance among the best people in this portion of the state.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 318-320. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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