Amador County









      One of Amador county’s best known business men is Anthony (“Tony”) Levaggi, who has conducted a general mercantile enterprise at Plymouth for a number of years, but is now devoting his attention largely to the management of the Levaggi estate.  He was born in San Francisco, California, August 16, 1881, and is a son of Bernardo and Mary (Craviotto) Levaggi.  The father came around the Horn to California in an early day, stopping for awhile in San Francisco, and then joined the rush to the mines.  Locating in the volcano section, he mined from 1862 until 1874, when he returned to San Francisco and engaged in the restaurant business.  Subsequently, in the interests of the health of one of his children, he came to Plymouth and here opened a small restaurant.  In 1879 he started a general mercantile business on a modest scale, but this proved a successful venture and in the course of time it became one of the most important business enterprises in this section of the valley.  He also accumulated considerable property in San Francisco and was well known throughout the Bay district.  He continued his active interest in the mercantile business to the time of his death, which occurred in June, 1929.  The mother arrived in California in girlhood and here met and became the wife of Bernardo Levaggi.  They had three sons and three daughters.  The oldest son, Jules, became well known in the Bay district as an importer, building up a large and important business.  His death occurred March 15, 1927.  Another son, James, who resides in San Francisco, handles the Bay district portion of the family estate.

      Anthony Levaggi received his education in the public schools of his home community, after which he pursued a commercial course in a business college.  When a youth of seventeen years, he took charge of a branch store of his father’s at West Point, his brother Jules having charge of the business at Plymouth.  In 1907 the latter went to San Francisco to engage in mercantile business and Anthony took charge of the business in Plymouth, to which he has devoted his attention until recently, when he assumed management of the estate but has retired from the mercantile business, which is under separate management.

      Mr. Levaggi was united in marriage to Miss Elvera Garibaldi, a member of an old family of Amador City.  They are the parents of a son, Jules Anthony.  Mr. Levaggi supports the Republican Party and maintains a keen interest in everything that concerns the material or civic welfare of his community.  He is essentially a home man, though his business demands some of his time in the Bay district, where the family has extensive property interests.  He is a man of excellent business judgment and his record has gained for him the genuine respect of all who know him.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3, Pages 239-240. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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