Amador County








            Fred B. LeMoin, a resident of Drytown, has spent his entire life in California, and the fact that he is serving as county supervisor indicates that he is numbered among the leading residents of his community.  He was born on the 14th of March, 1862, and his ancestors were French Canadians.  His father, E. D. LeMoin, was born in East Paw Paw and married Miss S. J. Marble, a native of Cuyahoga County, Ohio.  With his young wife he started across the plains to California, and on the way their first child was born.  They came with oxen and cows, the latter helping to draw the wagons as well as furnish the milk supply.  They had no trouble with the Indians and there was no sickness in the company, so after a pleasant journey they settled at Brownsville, in El Dorado County, where the father engaged in placer mining, while the mother conducted a boarding house.  Their combined efforts brought to them a very comfortable competence.  Four children graced their union after their arrival in California, and in 1864 they were deprived by death of the father, who died in the thirty-fifth year of his age.  Our subject was then only about two and a half years old.  He and his brother George are now the only surviving children of the family, but the mother is still living in her sixty-seventh year.  She is a Presbyterian in religious faith.  Mr. LeMoin had served as tax collector of Drytown for a number of years and was a detective.  Through his duties throwing him in close contact with the Chinese he had learned their language and had a Chinese deputy for his assistant.  He was prominent in the early days in this section of the state and was widely and favorably known.

            After the death of her first husband Mrs. LeMoin was again married, and the step-father would not allow our subject to attend school, so that at the age of thirteen years he left home, determining to rely upon his efforts and resources for a living.  He obtained such employment as a boy of his age was capable of performing, waiting on the table in a hotel and doing other odd jobs, and in this manner he obtained money with which to buy books and secure an education.  Subsequently he worked at the butcher’s trade for six months, but not finding that to his taste he became an apprentice at the blacksmith’s trade, which he followed for seventeen years in Drytown, becoming an industrious, honest and expert workman.  His ability won for him a liberal patronage and his reliability gained him the confidence of all with whom he came in contact.  An accident, however, occurred which forced him to retire from business.  He was struck in the eye by a piece of steel, and the sight was thus destroyed.  After that he turned his attention to the manufacture of grave railings, in which business he has since engaged.  He has leased his blacksmith shop, but still continues to make his home in Drytown, where he has a good residence.  In many other enterprises he has become financially interested, his investments bringing to him good returns.

            On attaining his majority Mr. LeMoin gave his political support to the Republican Party, casting his first presidential vote for Hon. James G. Blaine.  He has since been a steadfast advocate of its principles and on its ticket he was chosen to the office of county supervisor, which position he is now creditably filling.  He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, having attained the sublime degree of a Master Mason in Drytown Lodge, in April, 1898.  The following December he was elected its secretary and in the craft he enjoys the high regard of his brethren.  He is also a member of the Eastern Star and of the Knights of the Maccabees, having two thousand dollars life insurance in the latter order.  He is likewise a member of the order of Native Sons of the Golden West, was president of his parlor for two years, its secretary for three years and was the installing officer of the district of Amador, which included five parlors.  He has been a delegate to the grand parlor and is very prominent in the order.

            In 1889 occurred the marriage of Mr. LeMoin and Miss C. McWayne, a native of Toledo, Ohio, and they have to adopted children, Esther and Harold, who were left orphans at a very early age.  They receive tender care, consideration and love from their foster parents, who are giving to them good educational privileges and thus fitting them for the practical and responsible duties of life.  Mr. and Mrs. LeMoin are deservedly popular in Drytown and enjoy the warm regard of a very extensive circle of friends.  He is a man of strong character and earnest purpose, and the resolution with which he conquered his obstacles in early life, securing an education and working his way upward, indicates his sterling worth.  A quarter of a century ago he was a poor boy, and today he is one of the substantial citizens of Drytown.  He has certainly won the proud American title of a self-made man and his success is most creditable.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 721-723. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2011  Gerald Iaquinta.



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