Amador County









      William Krabbenhoft is well known throughout Amador County because of his active connection with the Jackson Creamery Company, manufacturers of ice and ice cream, both of which it has built up a large business throughout Amador and Calaveras counties.  Born in Germany on the 7th of June, 1873, he is a son of Peter and Elini (Peterson) Krabbenhoft.  He was educated in the public schools of his native country and on coming to the United States located at once in California.  He had previously had training in connection with the creamery business in Europe and he took a course of three terms in dairy and creamery operations at Davis, Yolo County, but later became a landscape gardener and for seventeen years had charge of the ground surrounding the Claus Spreckels home.  In 1916 he removed to Jackson and became associated with John Strohm, who for a number of years had been engaged in the brewery business here.  When national prohibition went into effect after the war they changed the plant to meet the different condition and it has since been operated as an ice cream plant, a creamery and bottling works, in which lines it has been developed into a very successful concern, giving employment to about twenty men and supplying a wide radius of surrounding country.

      Mr. Krabbenhoft was united in marriage to Miss Anna Strohm, a native of Jackson and a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Strohm, personal mention of whom appears on other pages of this work.  In his political views Mr. Krabbenhoft has always supported the Republican Party and has shown a commendable interest in public affairs.  He was a member of the board of trustees two terms and of the town council for several terms and was one of the leaders in the building of the first macadam roads in Jackson County.  In Masonry he has received the thirty-second degree of the Scottish rite, is a Noble of the Mystic Shrine, belongs also to the Loyal Order of Moose and the Lions Club, and is a member of the Save the Redwoods League.  Gardening has always been a hobby and he is a great lover of outdoor life.  He is a hard worker and a good manager and well deserves the success which is now his.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3, Pages 39-40. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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