Amador County









      Wallace P. Jones, one of Jackson’s best known citizens and a member of two of Amador county’s well known old pioneer families, holds the responsible position of district cashier of the Pacific Gas and Electric Company.  He was born in Jackson, on the 15th of November, 1895, and is a son of Harry W. and Alice R. (Peek) Jones, the former also a native of Amador County, having been born on the old Jones homestead.  The paternal grandfather, who was a native of Wales, came to California about 1849 and was thus numbered among the real pioneers of this state.  He was a man of sturdy and reliable qualities and served the government as internal revenue collector in the mountain counties.  His son, Harry W. Jones, has devoted practically all of his life to agricultural pursuits and is still living on the old home place.  His wife also is living.  Her father crossed the plains to California in an early day, but later returned east, was married and brought his bride back to California, the journey being made by way of Cape Horn.  The Peeks pioneered in Calaveras County, where they became prominent among the early settlers of that region.

      Wallace P. Jones received his educational training in the public schools of Jackson, graduating from the high school in 1915, with the first class to complete the course.  He was first regularly employed as a clerk by the Argonaut Mining Company, after which he served for a time as court reporter.  He then entered the employ of the Amador Light and Power Company, with which he remained until 1917, when he enlisted in the aviation branch of the United States Army and was sent to Fort McDowell, where he was assigned to the war risk insurance bureau, in which he served for fourteen months.  At the close of the war he was honorably discharged and for one year was engaged in the administration of his aunt’s estate.  He then returned to the Amador Light and Power Company, which concern was taken over by the Pacific Gas and Electric Company in 1924.  Mr. Jones continued with the latter corporation and, through his faithful and efficient service, has received several promotions, leading to his present position as district cashier.  He is thoroughly efficient and reliable and is well qualified for this work.

      Mr. Jones was united in marriage to Miss Amelia Cuneo, who also is a member of one of this state’s old pioneer families, and they are the parents of a daughter, Ruth.  Mr. Jones takes a deep interest in matters concerning the welfare of his home town and is now serving his first term as a member of the board of city trustees.  He is a member of the Free and Accepted Masons, the American Legion, the Lions Club, and of the Native Sons of the Golden West, of which organization his father is a charter member.  Because of his fine business record, his sturdy qualities and his friendly manner, he is greatly esteemed throughout the community where he has spent his life.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 2 Pages 466-467. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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