Amador County









      The late John R. Huberty, who served as county clerk of Amador county for nearly a quarter of a century, was one of the community’s most highly respected men, for he was possessed of those sterling qualities which commended him to the favor of his fellowmen.  A competent and faithful official, he exemplified a high type of citizenship and stood for those things which contributed to the public welfare.  He was born in San Andreas, Calaveras County, California, on the 27th of July, 1829, and was a son of John and Hannorah Huberty.  His father came to this country from Germany, while the mother came from Ireland and settled in Calaveras County, where the father first followed mining, but later engaged in ranching.

      John R. Huberty attended the public schools of Calaveras County and then assisted his father on the home ranch.  In his early twenties he came to Jackson and was thereafter employed at various occupations until he was appointed deputy county clerk, in which capacity he served for a year and a half, when he was elected county clerk.  So efficient did he prove in that office that he was repeatedly reelected and served for twenty-three years, or until removed by death, on August 29, 1929.  His daughter, Miss Leotta Huberty, was appointed to fill out the unexpired term and is at the time of this writing, a candidate for election to the office.  For several years prior to her father’s death she had served as his deputy and was therefore well qualified to perform the duties of that office.  Miss Leotta Huberty is courteous and accommodating in her relations with the public and gains the respect and esteem of all who come in contact with her.       Mr. Huberty was united in marriage to Miss Mary Flaherty, who was born and reared in Jackson, of which locality her parents were early settlers.  Mr. and Mrs. Huberty became the parents of seven children, Leotta M., Colette, John, Romauld, Francis, Robert and Kathleen.  Mr. Huberty was a strong supporter of the Democratic Party and his religious faith was that of the Roman Catholic Church.  He was a member of the Knights of Columbus, the Foresters of America, the Woodmen and the Natives Sons of the Golden West.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3, Pages 67-68. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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