Amador County









      Frederick A. Horton, who was the proprietor of the Commercial Hotel at Ione and is a member of one of the leading families of this section of the valley, members of which have done their full share in the development of their respective localities, was born on a ranch near Ione, July 23, 1876, a son of John Quincy and Mary Ann (Graham) Horton, the former a native of Kentucky and the latter of Illinois.  They came across the plains with ox teams and covered wagons and, though in the same company, were strangers when they started, but during the long journey they met and were married.  On arriving in California they located in San Bernardino County, where they resided for two years, during which time they experienced a very uncommon condition, losing all of their crops because of a very hot season.  They then came to Amador County and settled in the Jackson Valley, where the father preempted a large tract of government land, on which he farmed and ran cattle during the remainder of his active business life.  His death occurred in 1917 and the mother lost her life through injuries received when her horse ran away in 1893.  To them were born eight children, four of whom are living, and in the family were two sets of twins.  Fifteen hundred acres of the original Horton land was taken by the East Bay Water Company, but a portion of the old home place is still owned by F. A. Horton and his brother, who are associated in the cattle business on this land.

      Frederick A. Horton received his early education in the district schools, after which he took a commercial course in the Stockton Business College.  He then went to San Francisco and for two years was employed as a salesman there.  He then returned to the ranch, where he finds his time well occupied.  He also conducted the Commercial Hotel, which was a famous hostelry during the early California history and which was destroyed by fire July 12, 1930.  He conducts a prosperous insurance business at present.

      Mr. Horton was united in marriage to Miss Emma June Phifer, a native of Iowa, and to them have been born five children, as follows:  Roland Montgomery, who was formerly the owner of the Commercial Hotel, and died in March, 1928, at the age of thirty years; Allen Montrose, who is associated with his father in business; Edith Leona, who is the wife of D. E. Prouty and the mother of a son, Daryl; Verna; and Kathryn.  Though a busy man, Mr. Horton does not neglect his duties of citizenship and is deeply interested in those things which relate to the welfare of his community.  He is a genial and companionable gentleman and is exceedingly well liked by all who come in contact with him.




Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3, Pages 23-24. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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