Amador County










      One of the progressive, successful and well known men who have honored Amador County by their residence was the late Enrico Ginocchio, who during his life owned the largest and most important commercial enterprise in Jackson. He was born in Italy, where he was reared to the age of sixteen years, receiving his elementary education in the public schools.  In the hope of finding better opportunities for individual advancements than existed in his own country, Mr. Ginocchio came to the United States, arriving in Mariposa County, California, in 1853.  He engaged in mining, but, because of his youth, was allowed only half as much ground for his placer claim as a full grown man.  He mined there until 1857, meeting with only moderate success.  Later he came to Jackson, where his uncle, E. Bruno, and C. Curotto, were in business together.  He bought Mr. Curotto’s interest and subsequently became the sole owner of the business.  In 1866, when his brother Alphonse came to this country from Italy, he took him into partnership, and by their united efforts, diligence and good management, they built up the largest mercantile business in Amador County.  Their store and warehouse occupied a space more than a block long, and their stock of merchandise included everything required in the local trade.  They also became the owners of extensive mining interests.  Mr. Ginocchio continued his active connection with the business to the time of his death, which occurred in 1903, occasioned by the grief over the loss of his son Joseph, who died in 1899.  He was a remarkable man in some respects, having an uncommon capacity for business details, splendid executive ability and the faculty of inspiring confidence on the part of all who had dealings with him.  He was a liberal supporter of all worthy benevolent causes and was foremost in advocating progress along all lines of civic effort.

      In 1871 Mr. Ginocchio was united in marriage to Mrs. Julia Curotto, a widow, with a son, Charles.  The latter married Miss Nellie Dwyer and two daughters were born to them.  Charles Ginocchio was killed in an automobile accident in 1914.  To Mr. and Mrs. Enrico Ginocchio were born four daughters and a son.  The eldest daughter, Rose, is the wife of Frank Padesta; Lena, who is now the wife of H. Lorenson, has two sons by a former marriage, Alphonse and Enrico Brugin; Enrico married a daughter of E. Zumbiel, secretary of the Argonaut mine.  Henrietta Ginocchio is the wife of Fred Eudey, who was private secretary to Congressman Caminetti during his stay in Washington.  Later he entered his father’s bank as cashier and eventually administered the business of the old Ginocchio store, which he later disposed of, after a continuous record of fifty years’ existence.  He is now with the Bank of America at Jackson.  Mrs. Eudey is now serving as county librarian and is, by her uniform courtesy and efficiency, greatly respected by the patrons of the library.  The other member of the family is Mrs. George Vela of Jackson.  The old stone store building at Butte City has been preserved by the family for sentimental reasons.  Mr. Ginocchio is remembered as a man of earnest purpose, high business ideals and definite accomplishments and during his active years here was a leader in business circles, commanding the genuine regard of this fellowmen.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3, Pages 49-50. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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