Amador County









      George W. Gebhardt is a native son of Amador County, having been born in String Bean Alley, on the 6th of April, 1876, a son of Theodore and Genevieve (Bonham) Gebhardt.  His father was born in Calaveras County, California, and the grandfather was one of the soldiers who helped to fight the Mexicans in this state.  Practically all of the Gebhardt’s in this state followed the meat business and Theodore Gebhardt, who owned a butcher shop, worked at that business in San Jose for twenty years.  He also worked at Hanford and had a sheep ranch in Calaveras County.  He died suddenly in the hall of the Native Sons of the Golden West in 1917.  His wife passed away in Oakland, California, in 1922.  Her father, R. H. Bonham, came to Amador County in 1853 and here built the first lime kiln and burned the first lime made in this section of the state.  All of the early brick buildings erected in this part of the country used lime from his kiln.  Theodore and Genevieve Gebhardt were the parents of ten children, all of whom are living.         George W. Gebhardt received his educational training in the parochial schools of San Jose, after which he was connected with commercial affairs for several years in San Jose, Ione and Fresno.  He then went to Vancouver, British Columbia, where he formed the First Field Company, of the First Canadian Division, at the outbreak of the World War.  He spent two years and eight months in the service in France, during which he took part in many of the most important engagements of the great conflict.  On receiving his honorable discharge from the service he came back to Fresno, thence to Ione, where he managed the Commercial Hotel, until it was destroyed by fire in July, 1930.

      Mr. Gebhardt was united in marriage to Miss Pauline Merkle, a native of Pennsylvania, and they are the parents of six children, Alvin C., who served in the United States Army in France; Marjorie; Walter; Evelyn; George W., Jr.; and Myrtle Alice.  There are also five grandchildren.  Mr. Gebhardt gives his political support to the Democratic Party, and is a member of the Knights of Pythias, of which he is a past chancellor commander.  Hunting, fishing and baseball are his favorite sports.  He is a man of high ideals, is loyal and true in every relation of life and is well worthy of the high regard in which he is uniformly held by those who know him.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 2 Pages 447-448. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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