Amador County








            One of the widely and favorably known citizens of Ione is Thomas H. Gartlin, assistant superintendent of the Preston School Farm.  He is a native of Massachusetts, born on the 19th of November, 1855, and with his parents he came to California in 1860 when only five years of age.  His father, Patrick Gartlin, was born in County Monaghan, Ireland.  He was there educated.  On crossing the Atlantic he took up his abode in Massachusetts, where he was married to Miss Alice Kelly.  They now own and occupy a farm on Irish Hill, in Amador County, where Mr. Gartlin is successfully engaged in agricultural pursuits and stock raising.  During his early residence in California he engaged in mining with gratifying success.  Both he and his wife are members of the Catholic Church, and in politics he is a Democrat.  He has reached the age of seventy-five and is still actively connected with business pursuits.  Unto Mr. and Mrs. Gartlin were born six children, two sons and four daughters, all of whom are yet living.  The daughters are engaged in school teaching and the family is one well worthy of the high regard in which it is held.

            Thomas H. Gartlin, the eldest child, conned his lessons in the public schools of Amador County.  For a number of years he has been engaged in hydraulic mining and has also been successfully employed in farming for some time.  In 1897 he was appointed to his present position as assistant superintendent of the Preston School Farm and in that position is serving with marked ability, for he has a comprehensive knowledge of the best methods of farming so as to produce the desired results.

            In 1895 occurred the marriage of Mr. Gartlin to Miss Bryson, a native of Amador County.  They have one child, Clara Alice.

            In his political views Mr. Gartlin is a stalwart Democrat who keeps well informed on the issues of the day and he is therefore enabled to give an intelligent support of the principals of the party.  For a number of years he has served on the Democratic county central committee and has done much valuable service in the interests of his party.  He belongs to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and has passed all the chairs in the order.  He is also a past district deputy, has represented the subordinate lodge in the grand lodge, and is a member of the Knights of Pythias fraternity.  His energy and earnest purpose have enabled him to work his way upward to a plane of affluence and now in business circles he occupies a leading position.         



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 129-130. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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