Amador County








            The inevitable law of destiny accords to tireless energy and industry a successful career, and in no field of endeavor is there greater opportunity for advancement than in that of the medical profession, whose votaries must, if successful, be endowed with native talent, sterling rectitude of character and singleness of purpose, while equally important concomitants are close study, careful application and broad knowledge, in addition to that of the more purely technical order.  Dr. Gall has won distinction in his profession, resulting from his possession of those necessary qualifications, and is one of the most successful practitioners of Jackson.

            A native of Aberdeen, Scotland, he was born March 30, 1866, and in 1869, when only three years of age, was brought to California by his parents.  His Scotch ancestry extends back to one of the noted Highland clans.  His father, George Gall, was born in the parish of Reign, near Aberdeen, and was a respected farmer there.  He married Miss Isabella Marshall, and in the land of hills and heather they became the parents of five children.  In 1869 they started for New York, on a westward bound steamer, and from the American metropolis made their way to California, locating first at Stockton, where the father engaged in merchandising, continuing there to make his home until May, 1898, when he was called to his final rest, at the age of sixty-six.  His wife had departed this life in 1873.  Four of their children, two sons and two daughters, yet survive them.

            Dr. Gall was educated in the schools of Stockton, graduating at the high school in 1886.  He subsequently engaged in teaching for five years, and then, with the desire to make the practice of medicine his life work, entered the California State Medical College, now the medical department of the State University, in which he was graduated with the degree of M. D. in 1893.  He began his practice in connection with Dr. Hudson, his former preceptor, and soon afterward came to Jackson, where he has met with excellent success both as a physician and surgeon.  He has a comprehensive knowledge of the principles of medical science, and is particularly well informed concerning surgery and his operations have been very successful.  This has gained him marked prestige in his chosen calling, and his skill and ability have won for him a liberal and constantly increasing patronage.

            On the 8th of August, 1896, the Doctor was united in marriage to Miss Elsie Blanche Robertson, a native of San Andreas, California, and a daughter of the late Dr. E. B. Robertson, of Jackson.  Dr. Gall and his wife have a host of warm friends in this city where he has so long resided and where he has attained marked prominence in his profession.  He is a member of both the blue lodge and chapter of the Masonic fraternity and belongs to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Knights of Pythias lodge.  A young man of marked energy, enterprise, and laudable ambition, his career will be one of continued progress and marked success.  His public and private life are above reproach and have gained him the confidence and good will of all with whom he has come in contact.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 502-503. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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