Amador County









            Dr. Endicott, now a well known practitioner of Jackson, Amador County, is a native of Missouri, his birth having occurred at Lamar, Barton County, on the 22nd of January, 1869.  He is of English lineage and a son of Dr. Richard H. Endicott, a native of Missouri and a graduate of the Keokuk (Iowa) Medical College.  In 1876 the father came to California and for a number of years was actively engaged in the medical profession, but is now living retired at his home in Stockton.

            Edwin Eugene Endicott, the eldest child of his father’s family, spent his boyhood days under the parental roof and completed his professional education in Louisville, Kentucky, being graduated at the Louisville Medical College in the class of 1894.  He ranked second in scholarship in a class of one hundred and eighty-one and was awarded a gold medal and also made intern in the city hospital in Louisville, Kentucky, for a year.  In 1895 he came to Ione, Amador County, California, where he engaged in practice until 1897, during which time he served as consulting physician and surgeon at the State Reform School, located in that town.  Three years ago he took up his abode in Jackson and was appointed the county physician of Amador.  He has since held the office and has proved most competent and faithful in the discharge of his duties.  In May, 1899, the board of supervisors of Amador County, realizing the necessity of having a county health officer, created said office and placed Dr. Endicott in charge of the same, which position he still holds.  He has acquired an enviable private practice, his business steadily increasing in volume and importance.  He is now at the head of the Jackson Hospital, a private institution which he established, and in the work of conducting the same he is assisted by able trained nurses.  The establishment is equipped with the most recent appliances for the treatment and care of the sick, and the institution is constantly filled with a large number of patients who come to seek the professional aid of the Doctor, whose skill both in the practice of medicine and surgery is widely known.  He has given especial attention to surgery, and the many difficult operations which he has performed successfully indicate his ability and his thorough understanding of that branch of the profession.

            In February, 1896, Dr. Endicott was united in marriage to Miss Emma Southerland, and they now have an interesting little daughter, Alice Lenore.  They have a pleasant home in Jackson and the Doctor also owns two residences in Ione.  He is a member of the Masonic fraternity and of the American Order of United Workmen.  In politics he is a Democrat, but the honors and emoluments of public office outside the lines of his profession have no attraction for him, as he desires to devote his time and energies entirely to his chosen calling, in which he has met with remarkable success.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 529-530. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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