Amador County









            The efficient service entrusted to Mr. Dunlap is one which calls forth the character of the man, displaying his ability, fidelity and trustworthiness.  He is now serving as the manager of the stock at the Preston School for Boys near Ione, and is a well known and highly esteemed resident of that city.

            From all sections of the Union, California has gained her citizens; and among those whom Wisconsin has furnished to the Golden state is numbered Mr. Dunlap, who was born on the 19th of April, 1845.  He is of Dutch and Irish lineage, his ancestors having come to this country in the Mayflower.  His great-grandfather, John Dunlap, resided in New York and his father, George Dunlap, was born in Onondaga County, that state.  He removed to Sauk County, Wisconsin, and there was united in marriage to Miss Christiana Hatch, by whom he had seven children.  In 1872 the mother died at the age of forty-eight years.  She was an excellent woman whose earnest Christian life exemplified her belief in the Baptist faith.  Mr. Dunlap followed farming in Wisconsin until the spring of 1874, when he came to California and located at Silver Mountain, in Alpine County.  His death occurred at Murphey’s, Santa Clara County, in 1894, when he had reached the eightieth milestone on life’s journey.  He voted with the Republican Party and was a worthy citizen, his characteristics being such as commanded confidence and esteem.  With one exception all of his children are living.

            Mr. Dunlap of this review was educated in Wisconsin, and when he entered upon his business career followed the pursuit to which he had been reared, that of farming.  The year 1870 witnessed his arrival in California.  Two years later, in Carson City, Nevada, Miss Ella Ford became his bride.  She was a daughter of Richard H. Ford, a native of New Hampshire, who came to the Golden state in 1853.  He is a representative of one of the pioneer families of New England, his ancestors having been among the first settlers of Plymouth, Massachusetts.  For many years he was actively identified with the ministry of the Methodist Church and is still living, at the advanced age of ninety years, making his home with Mr. and Mrs. Dunlap.  By the marriage of our subject and his wife eight children have been born, of whom six are living, namely:  Ethel, now the wife of William Musser; Francis, Nelle, James, Fred and Helen, all with their parents.  Mrs. Dunlap is an active and valued member of the Methodist Church, doing much to promote its work and upbuilding.  Since 1872 Mr. Dunlap has been a worthy and acceptable member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, has filled all of its chairs and has exemplified its beneficent principles in his daily life.  He is also a Forester, and his eldest son, James, is a past president of a Parlor of Native Sons and a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows.  Prominent in the ranks of the Republican Party, Mr. Dunlap of this review has done efficient service in its behalf as a member of the county central committee.  At the Preston School he was for a number of year’s assistant electrician and is now the manager of its stock.  He is a very active and capable man and has made his services of great value in the management of the Preston School for Boys.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 586-587. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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