Amador County








            James R. Dunlap is the proprietor of the only drug store in Amador City, and is also occupying the position of deputy postmaster.  A native of Ohio, his birth occurred in West Salem, Wayne County, on the 18th of May, 1845, and he is of Scotch-Irish ancestry.  His grandfather, William Dunlap, located in Wayne County in 1828, becoming one of the pioneer settlers of that section of the Buckeye state.  He was accompanied by his son, William Dunlap, the father of our subject, who was reared to manhood in Ohio.  He was married there to Miss Nancy Finley, a daughter of Adam Finley, also one of the pioneer residents of the state.  The Dunlap’s were originally from England, while the Finley’s came to America from the north of Ireland.  The parents of our subject spent their entire lives in Ohio, where the father died in 1852 at the age of fifty-two years, the mother passing away in the forty-third year of her age.  They were devout members of the Presbyterian Church, and their upright lives commended them to the confidence and respect of all with whom they came in contact.  In their family were ten children, six of whom are yet living.

            James R. Dunlap, the seventh in order of birth, was reared on his father’s farm, early becoming familiar with the work of field and meadow.  His education was obtained in the public schools of the neighborhood, and when only sixteen years of age he became thoroughly aroused over the condition of affairs which precipitated the country into civil war.  Hardly had the echo from Fort Sumter’s guns died away when he resolved to enlist, but on account of his youth it was some time before he was accepted.  However, on the second call for three hundred thousand men he enlisted, joining Company E, One Hundred and Twentieth Ohio Infantry, on the 15th of August, 1862.  He participated with his regiment in the second battle before Vicksburg, in the engagement at Thompson’s Hill, in the rear of that city, and after the capture of Vicksburg took part in the Red River campaign and the Mobile campaign, the Union forces closing in on the Confederate troops until the latter surrendered.  After the surrender of General Lee the regiment returned to Texas and was mustered out at Houston, that state, on the 16th of October, 1865.  Mr. Dunlap’s services covered a period of three years and two months, and yet he was little more than twenty years of age when he mustered out.  He was taken sick with typhoid fever November 10, 1862, and remained in hospital until December 6.  He was never wounded and was ever at his post of duty, defending the old flag and the cause it represented, his bravery being equal to that of many a veteran of twice his years.  His regiment marched to the front eleven hundred strong, but its numbers were depleted by wounds, sickness and death until only three hundred of the original number remained.  The command was then consolidated with the One Hundred and Fourteenth Ohio Infantry, and later having lost so many of its members, that regiment consolidated with the Forty-eighth Ohio Veteran Battalion, thus serving until the close of the war.

            When hostilities had ceased and the country no longer needed his services Mr. Dunlap returned to his home and engaged in teaching in Iowa.  He also worked on the telegraph line until 1870, when he came to Sutter Creek, Amador County, California.  He was first employed in the mines and afterward successfully engaged in school teaching for five years, but in 1876 he turned his attention to mercantile interests, opening a drug store in Amador City.  This is the only establishment of the kind in the town and it would be a credit to many larger places, so splendidly is it equipped with everything found in a first-class drug store.  Mr. Dunlap is enjoying a large and constantly increasing trade, and his income is also materially increased by the revenue from the post office, which is in the same building with his store.  He is a businessman of enterprise and ability, and is conducting his affairs in such a manner as to win not only success but also the good will and confidence of his patrons.

            In 1877 occurred the marriage of Mr. Dunlap and Miss Minnie Kelley, by whom he has one child, William Henry, who is now a student in the School of Pharmacy in San Francisco.  In politics our subject is a Democrat, but the honors and emoluments of public office have no attraction for him.  He is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Knights of Pythias fraternity and the George H. Thomas Post, No. 2, G. A. R.  In addition to his store he owns a good residence in Amador City, and is one of the valued representatives of the town who contribute liberally to every measure calculated to prove a general good.  He is as true today to his county, his state and his country as when he followed the stars and stripes upon the battlefields of the south.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 287-288. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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