Amador County









      The Jackson Cleaners, under which name Howard L. and K. N. Dayton are conducting a cleaning establishment at Jackson, is the leading concern in its line in Amador County, its success being due to the up-to-date methods of the proprietors.  Howard L. Dayton was born in Hollister, San Benito County, California, on the 13th of July, 1895, and is a son of Frank M. and Maggie B. (Speegle) Dayton.  The father, who was a native of Michigan, came to California in young manhood and engaged in ranching and cattle raising, but after his marriage returned to Michigan, where he resided for eight years.  On again coming to California he engaged in the meat business at Morgan Hill, but because of failing health went to Siskiyou County, this state, where he continued in the same line of business.  Subsequently he and his son Howard L. engaged in the laundry business together for seventeen years, or up to the time of his death in 1926.  His widow, who is still living, is a native of California, the Speegle’s being numbered among the earliest pioneers of this state.

      Howard L. Dayton received his education in the public schools of Michigan and California, after which he became associated with his father in the laundry business.  On the entrance of the United States into the World War he volunteered, enlisting in the Engineer Corps in Oregon, and was sent overseas.  There he saw nineteen months and five days of service, driving cars for the members of the army staff up and down the front lines, often during heavy engagements with the enemy.  He was honorably discharged at Camp Lewis, Washington, after which he rejoined his father in the laundry business at Dorris.  They sold out there in 1921, and Howard L. Dayton came to Jackson, where in 1923, in partnership with his brother, K. N. Dayton, he established the present business, which is conducted under the name of the Jackson Cleaners.  They have an up-to-date plant, in which they do high class work, and they have built up a large and steadily increasing business, covering all of Amador County.

      Mr. Dayton was united in marriage to Miss Marguerite Laird, whose father crossed the plains in an early day and drove stage through the mountains during the eventful period prior to the coming of railroads into this part of the country.  In his political views Mr. Dayton maintains an independent attitude, voting for the candidate whom he regards as best qualified for the offices they seek, regardless of party lines.  He is a member of the Jackson Post of the American Legion, of which he is a past commander.  He has been active in the civic affairs of his town and county, giving his supports to every measure which has for its object the betterment of the community.  He is recognized as a capable business man, a public-spirited citizen and a loyal and sincere friend and neighbor.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 2 Pages 435-436. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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