Amador County








            Prominent among the successful and influential businessmen of Jackson stands Peter L. Cassinelli, owner of the largest general merchandise store in town.  He is deserving of special credit because of the fact that he started this business with very limited capital and has achieved his present position in the business world through persistent and well directed effort.  Born in Italy on the 14th of May, 1873, he is a son of James and Isabelle (Solari) Cassinelli, both of whom died in Italy, where the father was a blacksmith and wagon maker.

            Peter L. Cassinelli attended the public schools of his home neighborhood until ten years of age, when he came to the United States, making his away direct to Volcano, Amador County, where relatives of his brother were the owners of the largest store of its kind in the county, conducted under the firm name of L. Cassinelli & Brother.  In this store Peter Cassinelli received his first business experience.  He swept the store and did other odd jobs, in addition to selling, for ten years, and during this period also improved the opportunity of furthering his education by attending the public school.  He then went to Stockton, this state, and engaged in business, running a small store for three years.  On selling out he went to San Andreas and opened a general merchandise store, which he sold at the end of two years.  He then spent two years in Volcano, and in August, 1899, with a cash capital of two hundred and fifty dollars, came to Jackson and opened a small store.  After buying his equipment, he had but little money left for the purchase of stock. However, he was a good manager, was economical and uniformly courteous to his patrons, thereby winning their good will, and in the course of time he found himself on the road to success.  The original small storeroom was soon inadequate and today he occupies several storerooms fronting on the main business street of Jackson, and carries practically all that is necessary for the home, including groceries, hardware, furniture and household necessities.  Mr. Cassinelli is justifiably proud of the fact that he has been the architect of his own fortune, though his early years here were characterized by much hard work and lots of close figuring.  He was for awhile the sole clerk, bookkeeper and delivery boy, but he had a vision of ultimate success and has had the satisfaction of seeing the fruition of his dreams. He is also vice president of the Bank of Amador County at Placerville.

            Mr. Cassinelli was united in marriage to Miss Meda Giannini, who was born and reared in Amador County, and they are the parents of four children, Mrs. Norma Sketter, Ray, Enrico and Peter L.  There is also one grandchild, Clare Jaen Sketter.  Mr. Cassinelli gives his support to the Republican Party and takes a keen interest in everything relating to the progress and welfare of his community.  He is president of the Amador County Union high school, and was one of the group of persons who raised the money which secured the location of the school at Jackson.  He is a member of the Benevolent Protected Order of Elks, the Fraternal Order of Eagles and the Lions Club.  A lover of outdoor life, he is particularly fond of golf, hunting and fishing, is a genial and agreeable companion, and is popular with all who come in contact with him.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3, Pages 353-354. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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