Amador County









            For forty years a prominent businessman and successful merchant at Sutter Creek, Amador County, was Mr. Brinn, who is a native of Germany, born on the 20th of June, 1838.  His parents were William and Rachel (Joseph) Brinn.  His father was a merchant of Germany, and both he and his wife were of the Hebrew faith.  He attained the very advanced age of ninety-two years, while she passed away at the age of seventy-one.  In their family were six children, all of whom are now living.

            Mr. Brinn, of this review, was educated in his native country and in 1855 came to the United States, whither two of his brothers had preceded him, locating in California in 1850.  They were then engaged in business in Butte City, Amador County, where he joined them, acting as a clerk in their establishment for five years, or until 1860, when he came to Sutter Creek and began business on his own account as a general merchant.  Here he has remained through four decades, yet may be said to have been connected with the mercantile interests of Amador County for forty-five years.  In 1873 he erected the business block that he now occupies, a substantial structure thirty-five by one hundred feet, with a basement under the entire building.  The large store is filled from top to bottom with an extensive and well selected stock of general merchandise and by close application to business, honorable methods and reliable dealing Mr. Brinn has secured a very extensive trade, which has brought to him a good income.  He has the respect and confidence of the public and the esteem of his business associates.

            In 1866 Mr. Brinn was united in marriage to Miss Rose Marks and they have two daughters, Stella and Ray, both at home.  The Brinn household is noted for its hospitality and the members of the family occupy enviable positions in social circles.  Their residence is a comfortable and attractive one, and Mr. Brinn has also a dwelling in San Francisco.  In addition to these he owns large mining interests and other property in the county, all of which has been acquired through his well directed efforts.

            A life-long Republican, he has been unswerving in his support of the principles advanced by the party and he is now serving his county in the important position of county supervisor.  He has filled all the offices in both branches of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and has represented his lodge in the grand lodge.  He is also a valued member of the Masonic fraternity, is a past master of the blue lodge, past high priest of the chapter and has attained the thirty-second degree of the Scottish rite.  He is very widely and favorably known in Masonic circles and throughout Amador County he has a wide acquaintance, his friends being drawn to him by his many excellent qualities and characteristics.  His hope of bettering his financial condition in America has been more than realized, for he has not only gained a good living but has won a handsome competence which numbers him among the substantial residents of his adopted county.  Marked business and executive ability, keen discernment and the power of planning and executing the right things at the right time have been salient features in his success.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 486-487. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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