Placer County








            Costantino C. Botto, is now deceased, but many of the residents of Sutter Creek remember him as a most reliable and worthy citizen of Amador County, who by his well spent life commanded the respect of his fellow men.  He was born in Italy, near Genoa, in 1824, and was indebted to the schools of his native land for the educational privileges he received.  He was there married to Miss Theresa Grillo, and two children blessed their union ere their removal to the new world.

            In 1858 Mr. Botto bade adieu to friends and home, coming to California, where he met good success in the placer mines and continued in that business for five years, at the expiration of which time he opened a boardinghouse at Sutter Creek and also became a partner in the building of a ditch to bring water to the mines.  That enterprise proved very successful and profitable.  After some time he sold his interest therein to the Blue Lake Water Company.  Subsequently he dealt successfully in liquors for a number of years, but in the meantime his father had died in Italy and he returned to his native land, whence he brought his mother to California, caring for her during her remaining days.  In 1860 he purchased forty acres of land on Sutter Hill, a very desirable property, overlooking the town of Sutter Creek.  Thereon he erected a fine residence, which he continued to make his home until his death which occurred in 1879 in the fifty-fifth year of his age.  He had brought from his old home in Italy, Italian chestnut and olive trees and Italian soft-shelled walnut trees which he planted on his ranch, meeting with success in the cultivation of those products.  He hardly knew what the word “failure” meant, for he possessed such determination and energy that he carried forward to completion whatever he undertook.  Mr. Botto was a member of the Catholic Church and his family is also communicants of the same denomination.

            His good wife still survives him, at the age of sixty-nine years, and she and her interesting family reside at the old homestead.  There were ten children, of whom five are yet living, namely:  Anna, the wife of James Bona; Louisa, at home: Emil, who is managing the farm and carrying on the business; and Mary and Matilda, twins, for former the wife of Thomas Gorman, the latter the wife of Wilfred Dennis.  Mr. Botto, the father, was a man of generous impulses, purposeful and energetic, and he left to his family a comfortable property.  His son, Emil, was born at the old home in Sutter Creek, on the 28th of November, 1861, and is now successfully managing the estate.  The members of the family are all widely and favorably known in the community and it is with pleasure that we present this record to the readers of this volume.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 163-164. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.




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