Amador County








            In the death of George Allen, on the 6th of September, 1896, Sutter Creek and northern California lost one of their most prominent and highly respected citizens.  As the day with its morning of hope and promise, its noontime of activity and its evening of completed and successful effort, ending in the grateful rest and the quiet of the night, so was the life of this honored man.  His career was a busy and useful one, but although an earnest businessman devoting his whole daily time and attention to the further development of his commercial and industrial interests, he never allowed the pursuit of wealth to warp his kindly nature, but to the end of his career was a genial friend and courteous gentleman with whom it was a pleasure to meet and converse.

            Mr. Allen was born in New York City, on the 11th of July, 1841, and was of English lineage.  His parents, natives of England, emigrated to New York City in their early married life, and both died of cholera in the first year of their residence in the new world, leaving their little son of only one year.  He was reared by an uncle in Rochester, and in his nineteenth year took passage on a sailing vessel for San Francisco, arriving at Sutter Creek on the 2nd of March, 1860.  Here he began the battle of life in earnest, working as a laboring man for twenty-five dollars per month.  In early manhood he was employed as driver of a team, but he saved his money and soon had a team of his own.  He then began business on his own account, and later he took up government land, which was heavily wooded.  Becoming engaged in lumbering, he was for thirty-five years the principal lumber merchant at Sutter Creek, and sold nearly all of the lumber used in the construction of the buildings in this town.  As his patronage increased he enlarged his facilities, and his trade steadily grew until it has assumed extensive proportions.  He also became the owner of large tracts of land, on which he raised grain, hay and stock, becoming prominent in that department of industry.  He was a man of energy, good judgment and high moral character, and not only won a richly deserved success in his business endeavors but also gained the high regard of all with whom he came in contact.

            In 1870 Mr. Allen was united in marriage to Miss Annie E. Bradbury, of Montville, Maine, a daughter of John Bradbury, who was born in the Pine Tree state and was descended from English ancestors, several generations of the family, however, having been born in America.  Their union was blessed with five children, three of whom are living, namely:  George E., Sophie M. and John F.  They now assist their mother in the conduct of the large business interests belonging to the estate and are energetic and progressive young men, a credit to the family name.  In connection with the lumber business they now have three thousand acres of land on which they are raising cattle; and the ranch yields to them an excellent income as a result of their capable management.  Two daughters of the family, Flora E., and Annie E., have both passed away, the former at the age of six years and the latter when five years of age.  In his political view Mr. Allen was a Republican, earnest and active in support of the principles of the party.  He was also a valued member of the Masonic fraternity, in which he attained the Knight Templar degree, and at his death was laid to rest with Masonic honors.  He passed away on the 6th of September, 1896, after a short illness of pneumonia, and his loss was deeply deplored not only by his immediate family but by many friends.  His commendable principles of conduct at all times won him the regard of those with whom he came in contact and his many estimable characteristics gained for him a large circle of true friends.  Mrs. Allen and her sons and daughter reside in a very pleasant home in Sutter Creek, and in social circles they occupy an enviable position.  They are surrounded by the comforts which it is possible for them to obtain through the estate left them by the honored husband and father, but they do not claim this as the greater part of their heritage, having received for him the priceless treasure of an untarnished name.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 483-484. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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