Alameda County




Gottlieb Zeh, one of the substantial citizens of Alameda, was born in Frankfort-on-the-Main, Germany, May 14, 1834, and learned the trade of butcher from his father, Carl Zeh.  At the age of eighteen years he emigrated to the United States, landing at New York, and worked there about three months.  In 1852 he and his brother Louis came to California, by way of the Isthmus, and landed at San Francisco in September.  they worked at their trade there, the subject of this sketch being employed by Mr. Jones, on Pacific street, on the hills before they were graded.  Next he was employed by George Mitchell at the corner of Vallejo and Dupont streets; and afterward the two brothers started in business together at the corner of Broadway and Dupont street.  In 1885, Mr. Gottlieb Zeh returned to Germany and brought back here with him his youngest brother, Theodore, who afterward died in this city, about eleven years ago.  About that time Gottlieb and Theodore went to Petaluma, and, having secured a piece of land near there, worked about a year and a half, raising live-stock.  Returning to the city they resumed business in their line, at the corner of Dupont and Union streets, while Louis took charge of the ranch.  In 1864 Gottlieb was married, and the following year moved over to Alameda, since which time he has made that place his home, except eighteen months spent in Hayes' valley.

     Mrs. Zeh's maiden name was Juane Chacon.  She is a native of Mexico, of Spanish origin and highly educated and accomplished.  They have three sons and two daughters:  Amanda I.; Annie I., wife of Dr. J. G. Humphrey, of Alameda; Carl R.; Gottlieb J., and Theodore L.  All these were born in Alameda, except Carl, who is a native of San Francisco.


Transcribed 4-23-05  Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, page 63, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Marilyn R. Pankey.