Alameda County












            FREDERICK A. WREDE. A pioneer of Alameda county, and an enterprising and well-to-do agriculturist of Eden township, living about one and one-half miles from Haywards, Frederick A. Wrede is proprietor of a fine ranch, which in regard to its appointments and improvements compares favorably with any in this section of the state. He has a good residence, comfortable and convenient farm buildings, while the neatness and orderly appearance of everything about the premises indicates the care and supervision of a wise manager, showing conclusively that the owner has a thorough understanding of the business in which he has so long been engaged, and exercises excellent judgment in the care of his estate. A native of Germany, Mr. Wrede was born April 1, 1836, in Prussia, and was there reared and educated, spending his early life on a farm.

            Leaving the fatherland when twenty years of age, Mr. Wrede emigrated to this country, landing in New Orleans in June, 1856. From that city he came by way of the Isthmus to California, and for three months worked in San Francisco. Preferring life on a farm to labor in the city, he subsequently rented a ranch near Haywards, Alameda county, and for ten years carried on general farming and stock-raising with satisfactory pecuniary results. In 1869 Mr. Wrede purchased his present home ranch, which contains one hundred and forty-seven acres of rich land in the valley, paying twenty thousand dollars for the property. Enterprising, thrifty and industrious, he has continually added to the improvements of the place, thereby increasing its value nearly threefold, it now being worth, at a low estimate three hundred and fifty dollars an acre.

            November 19, 1860, Mr. Wrede married Theresa Hartman, one of his early schoolmates in Prussia, Germany, who came from the fatherland to Baltimore, Md., in 1857, and in 1860 came by way of Panama to California. Of the union of Mr. and Mrs. Wrede ten children have been born: Augusta, wife of Edward Wrede, of San Francisco; Mary, wife of Charles Mitchell, of Alameda county; Josephine, living at home; Theresa, wife of George Pullin, of San Francisco; Dena, a telegraph operator at Seattle, Wash.; Annie, wife of George Morrison, of San Francisco; Emma, who died at the age of eleven years; and Amelia, Christina and Jennie, at home. Politically Mr. Wrede is an earnest adherent of the Democratic party, but has never aspired to public office. Both he and his wife, true to the faith in which they were reared, are members of the Catholic Church.





Transcribed by Marie Hassard 21April 2015.

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 467-468. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2015  Marie Hassard.











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