Alameda County











     Encouragement for the youth confronted at the outset of his career with limitations in the way of money and influence is found in the life of Julius Stanton Wixson, one of the foremost business men of Oakland, and since 1888 the owner and proprietor of an extensive grocery, hay and grain enterprise, on the corner of B and Hollis streets.  Possessing practical ideas of finance, and valuing the sterling traits which made made the American citizen the peer of all others in the world, this promoter of commercial stability in his adopted town holds an honorable and influential position in the community.  However, his life has known more than one avenue of usefulness, for in other days he was an educator of ability, and was thus able to lead others toward the path of mental, moral and social excellence which he himself treads. 

     Mr. Wixson was born in Steuben county, N.Y., September 3, 1848, a son of Moses Wixson, who was born in the same state.  He was educated primarily in the public schools, and for several years taught in the public schools of New York and Pennsylvania.  He became identified with the west in 1874, continuing his educational work in Sierra county, Cal., where he was for several years superintendent of schools.  His present business was inaugurated on a small scale, and has grown as the town advanced and the demand for his commodities increased..  All trace of the original store has been lost in recent additions and improvements, and a large warehouse for the storage of hay, grain and groceries presents an indication of prosperity and promise.

     For thirty-five years Mr. Wixson has voted the Republican ticket, and has served for two years in the city council.  He is prominent in fraternal circles, being a member of the Masons, Eastern Star, Rebekahs, and the Odd Fellows, of which latter organization he is past grand.  The Wixson home in Oakland is commodious and well furnished, the family consisting of Mrs. Wixson, who was formerly Sarah F. Peckham, daughter of Charles O. Peckham, of Steuben county, N.Y. and three sons:  Robert, who is in business in Golden Gate; and Ernest and Clifford, in business with their father.  Wilbur is deceased.





Transcribed 6-17-15  Marilyn R. Pankey.

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Page 649. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2015  Marilyn R. Pankey.