Alameda County












Stanley D. Whitney, attorney, was born in Pullman, Illinois, on December 25, 1897. His parents moved to California when he was eight years old and he attended grammar and high school in San Francisco; then Alliance College in Pennsylvania. He subsequently studied law at San Francisco Law College, where he graduated in 1930 with the degree of LL.B. He became a resident of Alameda, California with his family in 1922.

            Mr. Whitney served as clerk of the Justice’s Court of Alameda Township from 1930 to 1934 and was associated in practice with the late Judge Edwin M. Otis for several years. He served as city attorney of Alameda from December 1944 to October 1951. Now is in private practice in Alameda, practicing individually.

            Mr. Whitney married Miss Helen Lewicki, a native of New York City, and they have two children, Stanley D., Jr. (deceased) and Helen Camille. Mrs. Whitney is active in the Women’s Athletic Club and the auxiliary of the Alameda Post of American Legion, and also the Garden Branch of the Children’s Hospital, all of Alameda, California, where the family home is located.

            During World War I Mr. Whitney spent about one year overseas and took part in the Meuse-Argonne and Verdun engagements. He is a member of Post No. 9 of the American Legion of Alameda. His only son joined the Army Air Force while a senior at University of California in 1943. Commissioned Lieutenant, he became a bombardier and lost his life while serving in the 321st Squadron of the 90th Heavy Bombardment Group of the Fifth Army Air Force. While on a reconnaissance trip near the island of Truk, his ship ran out of gas and crashed in New Guinea. He was decorated the Air Medal, Distinguished Service Medal, and Purple Heart. In addition to serving in World War I, Mr. Whitney, Sr., was also active in World War II. Originally in the Corps of Military Police, he later became a troop transport commander and went overseas several times to the South Pacific Area. He held the rank of captain in the army.

            Member of Alameda Lodge No. 1019, B.P.O.E.; Oak Grove Lodge No. 215 F. & A. M.; and Alameda Kiwanis Club. His religious affiliation is with the Episcopal Church. His legal fraternity is Kappa Epsilon Phi.

            Offices:  Bank of America building, Alameda, California.  




Transcribed By: Cecelia M. Setty.

Source: “Eminent Californians 1953”, by Lee E. Johnson & C. W. Taylor. Page 245, C. W. Taylor Publ., Palo Alto, California, 1953.

© 2014  Cecelia M. Setty.











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