Alameda County











            EDWIN WHIPPLE. A rancher of many years’ experience, Edwin Whipple occupies a prominent place in Alameda county, where in the vicinity of Decoto he has a prosperous ranch of one hundred and seven acres. He was born December 29, 1844, in Pennsylvania, and was two years old when his family moved to Monroe county, N. Y., where he was reared, and educated in the public schools and at the institute at Clinton, the same state. In the sketch of his brother, John C. Whipple, may be found extended mention of the family connections.

            On the farm in Monroe county Mr. Whipple gained the strong constitution which has served him well in later years, and also the knowledge of farming which he has always found congenial and remunerative. As a young man he struck out on his own responsibility and went to Bay City, Mich., where he engaged in lumber manufacturing and had an interest in one of the large mills of that section. In 1878 he disposed of his milling interests to come to California, and with his brother, John C. Whipple, purchased over seven hundred acres of raw farm land, of which they afterward sold a part, the remainder being equally divided between the brothers. From this unpromising field Mr. Whipple has evolved one of the finest homes in Washington township, has laid out a lawn and garden, and surrounded his family with all possible comforts as viewed from the standpoint of country life. He has a genuine appreciation of the beautiful in nature and endeavors to have his surroundings as harmonious as his circumstances will permit. In like measure he takes pride in his social and business standing, and has identified himself with the best interests of Alameda county, being especially prominent in Masonic circles. He is a member and past master of Alameda Lodge No. 167, F. & A. M., of Centerville; the Doric Chapter No. 66, R. A. M., of San Leandro; the Oakland Commandery No.  11, K. T., and Islam Temple, N. M. S., of San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. Whipple are both members of the Eastern Star. He is one of the trustees of the Masonic Home of Decoto, and at all times wields an influence in the deliberations of Masonic bodies. Politically he is allied with the Republican party, and has served as school director for many terms.

            While a resident of Michigan, on November 10, 1879, Mr. Whipple was united in marriage with Emily C. Fisher, a native of that state, and of which union the following children have been born: Sadie E., Isabella, Edwin Marsh, Arthur, Dorris, Theodore, Homer, and Annis.





Transcribed by Marie Hassard 22 September 2015.

­­­­Source: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 782-783. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

© 2015  Marie Hassard.











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