Alameda County











            In the character, life and career of Brother Ward, we see a fine type of a progressive American citizen. Educated in the Boston English High School, under the instruction of Prof. Thomas Sherwin, he has been farmer, merchant, County Clerk of Napa county, and is now a lawyer. As Grand Commander for three years and Grand Secretary two years of the five years of existence of the United Endowment Associates, which order he formed and laid the foundation for, drafting the literature and laws thereof, and supervising and carefully watching its onward progress, which was marvelous in its inception and successful in its growth and in performing all that was anticipated of it, he is perhaps better known at present. He was their first executive officer, prepared the ritual, and in fact carried the order on his shoulders for the first two years. He was the discoverer and founder of the United Endowment Associates, and by his tact, ability, and arduous labor in behalf of this growing organization it bids fair to grow in numbers far beyond many of the older orders. The growth and development of the United Endowment Associates have been his especial pride, and to which, although in actual practice as an attorney at law, he has devoted a great deal of time and labor. Formerly a member of Napa Lodge, No. 1, he has since his residence in Oakland affiliated with Lodge No. 7.

            The subject of this sketch is also a Past Grand in University Lodge, No. 144, I. O. O. F., a Past Master Workman of Pacific Lodge, No. 7, A. O. U. W., and Past Commander of Oakland Legion, No. 3, S. K. A. O. U. W., all of Oakland, and Past Grand Dictator of the K. of H., his membership being in Napa Lodge 1897. When Grand Dictator of the K. of H. of California his earnest efforts and zeal were made apparent in that Order, since the membership at the close of his term (it being a critical time, just after the passage of the suicide law) showed the highest numerically at any time since, in the history of that Order in this State.

            Brother Ward is one of the Committees on Laws and Supervision in three fraternal grand bodies in this State, namely, the K. of H., Select Knights A. O. U. W., and A. O. U. W., and in the latter Order he was one of the committee appointed in San Francisco in 1878, to draft the first laws of said Grand Lodge, and his able work with others of that committee was in a great measure adopted, and which code stands to-day very little changed in the fundamental laws of that powerful organization.

            He is a man of candor, possessing the confidence of those who know him best, esteem him the highest, and is well calculated to hold out well in all his undertakings. 




Transcribed By: Cecelia M. Setty.

Source: “Illustrated Fraternal Directory Including Educational Institutions on the Pacific Coast”, Page 294, Publ. Bancroft Co., San Francisco. Cal.  1889.

© 2013  Cecelia M. Setty.








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