Alameda County











JANS PETER TUCKSEN.  The property which now forms the ranch of Jans Peter Tucksen was entirely unimproved when he purchased it in the pioneer days of the state, but with characteristic energy and perseverance he has given to its cultivation and improvement an effort which could not fail to meet with a reward.  He is both a rancher and salt manufacturer located near Russell station, Eden township, Alameda county, and although advanced in years he still manages, with the assistance of his son, his ranch of sixty acres purchased in 1868.


Born in Schleswig, Germany, November 22, 1828, he was reared to young manhood in his native land and trained to the practical duties of a farmer.  Deciding to emigrate to America, in May, 1855, he completed his long trip from the Old World, landing at San Francisco on that date.  He first found employment in that city, where he remained for a couple of years.  During the gold excitement on the Fraser river he was attracted to the north, but found it a disastrous venture, as he lost all the money he had managed to save previously.  Returning in 1858 to Alameda county, in partnership with another he took a government claim of one hundred and eighty acres, and began the manufacture of salt, putting in levees, etc.  Later he entered upon farming operations, continuing so occupied up to the present time.  In 1868 he purchased sixty acres of land, improving this property by cultivation, erecting substantial and modern barns, and putting up a handsome residence.  He remained in partnership in his salt manufacture for about twelve years, when he bought out the other’s interest and has since been alone in this work.


In 1864, Mr. Tucksen married Marie Helena Jensen, who was born in Schleswig.  She died in 1899, leaving three children:  Mary, Martin and Jennie.  In his political convictions Mr. Tucksen adheres to the principles advocated in the platform of the Republican party in national affairs, but locally reserves the right to cast his ballot for the man whom he considers best qualified for public office.





Transcribed by Donna Toole.

­­­­Source: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 795-796. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

© 2015  Donna Toole.