Alameda County











    For many years associated with the mining interests of the country and widely known through his ten years' superintendence of the Pittsburg(sic) coal mines at Mount Diablo, Mr. Trythall is now identifying his interests with those of the horticulturists of Contra Costa county, and is meeting with the success which has characterized his efforts on whatever direction he has bent his talents.  He was born in Cornwall, England, July 26, 1852, a son of Henry Trythall, and spent his boyhood years in his native country, receiving his education through the schools.  At the age of eighteen years, he crossed the Atlantic and in America sought to earn his livelihood.  Beginning in the state of New Jersey he gradually worked his way across the continent mining in Pennsylvania, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Michigan, Wyoming, and Nevada, and finally, in 1876, arriving in California.  For a brief time he was engaged in mining in the Judson mines in Contra Costa county, but with a longing to see more of the world he soon drifted north to British Columbia, thence to Alaska.  With his broad experience and knowledge of various localities of the western world there was no place that suited him as well as the Golden State in climate and future prospects, and in 1879 he once more located here, engaging in the Knoxville silver mines in Napa for one year.  Following this he secured employment in the Judson coal mines, now known as the Belshaw coal mines, in Contra Costa county, and later spent two years in Arizona.  In June, 1884, he returned to Contra Costa county, and engaged in mining, first acting as foreman and in time receiving a promotion to the position of superintendent of the Pittsburg coal mines.  This position he retained for ten years--- an evidence of the ability and faithfulness which characterized his work.  Deciding to change his location he then went to the Tesla mines, in Alameda county, in the same capacity, where he remained one year, after which he again acted as superintendent of the Pittsburg mines for two years.  Desiring then to seek relaxation in agricultural pursuits, he purchased twenty acres of the McQuaid ranch, formerly a wheat field, upon which he built a home, commodious barns and outbuildings, and set out seventeen acres to orchard and almonds, one and a half acres to vineyard, and the remainder to berries. He now has a finely developed and highly productive ranch, a credit to his efforts.

     The marriage of Mr. Trythall united him with Priscilla Jones, a native of New York, who is now deceased, having borne her husband two children, namely:  Raymond Henry, a barber of Antioch, and Helen Johannah(sic), a student.  He married for a second wife Ida Von Baum, who was born in Napa, Cal.  In his fraternal relations Mr. Trythall is a Mason, being Past Master of Contra Costa Lodge, F.&.A.M., and of Antioch Chapter No. 65, R.A.M.  He was also a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows of Somersville until the lodge was abandoned, having passed all the chairs. He is a member of Antioch Aerie of Eagles.  In politics he is a stanch Republican, and has always been active in party circles; always an advocate of good schools he has served as trustee of Antioch district and also in the same capacity for nine years, while a resident of Somersville.





Transcribed 7-7-15  Marilyn R. Pankey.

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Page 677. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2015  Marilyn R. Pankey.