Alameda County










            DR. WILLIAM T. THRASHER. In San Leandro, Alameda county, is located the ranch of Dr. William T. Thrasher, for some years a professional man of that city, but since 1880 engaged in agricultural pursuits. Born in Frederick county, Md., April 29, 1821, he is a son of Elias Thrasher, a native of Virginia and a soldier in the war of 1812. The elder man removed to Maryland shortly after his marriage with Elizabeth Ritchy, also a native of the Old Dominion, making that his home until 1822, when he located in Loudoun county, Va., and followed agriculture. Fifteen years later he became a pioneer of the state of Ohio, farming in Jefferson county for twelve years, when he removed to Whitley county, Ind., where his death occurred at an advanced age. In his political convictions he was a stanch Whig. His wife also died in Indiana, leaving a family of four sons and three daughters.

            The second child in his father’s family and the only one now living, Dr. William T. Thrasher was reared to manhood in the states of Virginia and Ohio, where he attended the common schools. At twenty-one years of age he became apprenticed to learn the trade of wheelwright, being then located in Jefferson county, Ohio, and after his mastery of the work followed the same for seven years. In the fall of 1849 he removed to Iowa, spending a half year in Jefferson county and a year in Wapello county, when he returned to Ohio for a short time and then located in Huntington county, Ind. In the latter location he followed dentistry for seven years. In 1860 he came to California via the Isthmus of Panama, and continued his profession for a like period in Hornitos, Mariposa county. In the fall of 1867 he came to San Leandro and in connection with farming carried on his profession until his eyesight failed, practically relinquishing the latter work in 1880. During this time he had purchased the seventeen acres which comprise his home place, planting a part to fruit, and since then has bought some small places which he now leases.

            Dr. Thrasher has been married twice, his first wife being Annie E. Clark, who was born, married and died in Indiana. The one child born of this union died in infancy. In California in 1863 he married S. Maria C. Woodward a native of Chautauqua county, N. Y. In his political convictions Dr. Thrasher is a stanch adherent of the principles advocated in the platform of the Republican party.





Transcribed by Marie Hassard 17 April 2016.

­­­­Source: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 1080-1081. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

© 2016 Marie Hassard.











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