Alameda County









            JOHAN FRED STOER. Now retired from the active cares which have so long engrossed his attention Johan Fred Stoer is rounding out a well-spent life in the city of his adoption, Oakland, where he has for many years been a well-known figure in the business activity of the city and contributed no little to its material development. He is self-made in the best sense implied by the term, having come from the fatherland with only empty hands though willing heart, and has risen to a position of competence and prominence through his own unaided efforts, his courage and earnestness of purpose, his unswerving integrity and kindly personality winning him many friends among those who have met him in either business or social relations. A native of Germany, he was born in 1831 and brought with him to his western home those qualities which are characteristic of his countrymen.

            On attaining his majority Mr. Stoer came to the United States, locating first in Richmond, Va., where he followed his trade which was that of butcher, and later worked in various states of the south, among them being Alabama, Georgia and Louisiana, in the latter state being located in New Orleans. After a time spent in Cincinnati, Ohio, he went to St. Louis, Mo., thence to Chicago, Ill., and in 1856 located in St. Paul, Minn., where he opened a butcher shop and did a general buying and selling business until 1864, in that year crossing the plains to Montana, in company with three hundred armed men, their journey of three months taking them through the hostile Indian lands. Upon his arrival in the state Mr. Stoer engaged in the grocery business in Virginia City where he continued successfully for thirteen years. In 1877 he came to California and purchased land in what is now Emeryville, paying $15,000 for land that became in time worth much money, disposing of the same in lots, at the present time owning but three blocks of land located on San Pablo avenue. He later erected the Stoer Block. Besides his purchase of land Mr. Stoer became interested in the business life of the place by entering into a mercantile business, and also establishing the Stoer Warehouse Company, a wholesale grain, hay and coal business, of which his son, Fred J. Stoer is now president. The business is located on San Pablo avenue, at the corner of Thirty-ninth street, and is one of the largest of its kind in the county, shipping hay all over the United States. Mr. Stoer also became the owner of a beautiful home in Emeryville where he now lives. Since leaving his native land he has made four trips to Europe which have made happy memories in his life.

            In 1859, in St. Paul, Minn., Mr. Stoer was married to Carolina S. Heimerdinger, who was born near New Ulm, Minn., and six children were born of that union, Eliza and Fred J. were born in St. Paul; Carolina, Helena, Augusta and Katrina were born in Montana. Mrs. Stoer died in Minnesota and in 1877 he was again married to a sister of his first wife, Emma A. Heimerdinger, and two daughters, Emma R. and Theresa Y., were born in Emeryville, Cal., and are graduates of the University of California.

            A Republican in politics Mr. Stoer has done all in his power to advance the cause of the party whose principles he has espoused, and though not desirous of official recognition has still never shirked his duty as a citizen. While in Montana he served as councilman in his ward, and as a resident of Emeryville he helped build the first school building and has acted as school trustee as well as trustee of the town for several years. He was a stanch admirer of John C. Fremont and cast his ballot for him.




Transcribed by Marie Hassard 03 July 2016.

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 1251-1252. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2016 Marie Hassard.











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