Alameda County











            Thomas Nast St. Hill, president, general manager and director of Tea Garden Products Co., was born in East Orange, New Jersey, on March 14, 1895.  He is the son Ralph W. and Edith (Nast) St. Hill.

            Graduated in 1917 from Sheffield Scientific School, Yale University, with a degree of Ph.B.

            Mr. St. Hill began his career as petroleum and natural gasoline engineer, 1921-25; executive assistant and director of Pacific Gasoline Company, 1925-27; contract agent for Standard Gasoline Company, 1927-29; vice president and director of Petroleum Rectifying Company of California, Los Angeles, 1929-37, and president, general manager and director, 1937-40; vice president and director of Petrolite Corporation, Ltd., Los Angeles, 1931-40; and has been president, general manager and director of Tea Garden Products Co., San Francisco since 1940.

            During World War 1, Mr. St. Hill served as second lieutenant and airplane observer, United States Field Artillery, 1917 to 1919.

            He was president of Contra Costa County Republican Assembly, 1946-49; member of County Central Committee, Steering Committee of State Central Committee 1951-52; County United Republican Finance Committee (1951-52).

            Member of N.A.M. (member of Northern California Advisory Committee since 1945), National Preservers Association (president, 1947-49).

            Author of “Electrical Process for Desalting Refinery Charging Stocks,” paper given World Petroleum Congress, Paris, Francisco, in 1937.  Mr. St. Hill is the holder of United States patents on electrical dehydration.  He is an Episcopalian; and member of the Bohemian Club of San Francisco, Orinda Country Club and Aztec Club of 1847—Washington, D.C.

            Mr. St. Hill married Jean Dulin on March 21, 1928 and has three children:  Jeanne, Linda and Peter A.

            Home:  600 Tunnel Road, Orinda, California.

            Offices:  1111 First Avenue, San Leandro, California.




Transcribed by Joyce Rugeroni.

Source: Eminent Californians 1953, by Lee E. Johnson & C. W. Taylor.  Page 549, C. W. Taylor Publ., Palo Alto, California, 1953.

© 2014  Joyce Rugeroni.











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