Alameda County











            EUGENE H. STEVENSON. A prominent rancher of Alameda county is Eugene H. Stevenson, who is located in Washington township, near Centerville, upon the ranch where his birth occurred August 21, 1877. He is the son of John Stevenson, whose sketch will be found elsewhere in this work. His boyhood years were spent upon the paternal ranch, interspersing home duties with an attendance of the public and high schools. After completing the course in his home schools he entered Heald’s Business College of San Francisco and took a commercial course which has proved of inestimable value to him. Upon returning home he assumed control of the home ranch, which he conducted successfully until 1903, the death of his father having left himself and mother heirs to the large estate. In the last named year he purchased his mother’s interest. He now rents one hundred and ten acres to the California Nursery Company, while the remainder—two hundred and eighty acres—is given over to the cultivation of garden vegetables and hay. He also owns fifty acres near Mowry Station which he purchased, and which is devoted to pasture and hay. This ranch is justly considered one of the most valuable in this vicinity both in improvements and cultivation, and Mr. Stevenson is widely known as a progressive and enterprising farmer.

            The marriage of Mr. Stevenson united him with Leola Vera Halpin, a native of Toledo, Ohio, and they are the parents of one son, Maxwell. In his political convictions Mr. Stevenson is a stanch adherent of the principles advocated in the platform of the Republican party, and has served as a delegate to the county convention. He is a member of Centerville Parlor No. 169, of the N. S. G. W., and belongs to the U. P. E. C. society of the same place.





Transcribed by Marie Hassard 22 September 2015.

­­­­Source: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Page 777. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

© 2015  Marie Hassard.











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