Alameda County











                        HANS SORENSEN. Actively engaged in agricultural pursuits in the rich and fertile country of central California are many enterprising and progressive men who bring to their chosen calling good business methods and excellent judgment, and are meeting with well-merited success in their operations. Prominent among this number is Hans Sorensen, proprietor of Valle Vista dairy ranch, which is located in Alameda county, about one and one-half miles from Haywards, on the Niles road. He is a self-made man in the highest sense implied by the term, coming here from a foreign land poor in pocket, but rich in energy and ambition, and having by his own strenuous efforts accumulated a goodly store of this world’s wealth. A native of Denmark, he was born June 17, 1859, on a farm, and there grew to man’s estate, receiving a practical training in the various branches of agriculture.

            Soon after attaining his majority Mr. Sorensen determined to come to America, and in June, 1881, arrived in Philadelphia, Pa. Stopping but a day or two in that city, he pushed westward to the Pacific coast, on June 29 finding himself in San Francisco, a stranger in a strange land, with forty dollars as his sole capital. In search of work with which he was familiar, he came directly to Alameda county, locating at Mount Eden, where for the next three years he worked by the month and for four years afterward was employed by the Mohr Brothers, extensive farmers. Embarking then in business on his own account, Mr. Sorensen rented seventy acres of land in the valley, and also adjoining land, and there carried on general ranching for nine years, being quite successful in his undertakings. In 1899 Mr. Sorensen purchased two hundred and ten acres of land, all in the valley, a part of which is included in his present home ranch, paying $15,000 for the estate, and going into debt to the amount of $11,000. With courage and energy he began the improvement of his ranch, and for a number of years carried on general farming, including the raising of grain and hay, and dairying, keeping about forty cows, and succeeding well in his undertakings. In June, 1904, Mr. Sorensen disposed of one hundred and seventy acres of his farm, selling at an advantageous price, keeping forty acres of the best land. Twenty-five acres of this he devotes to the raising of apricots, having a fine orchard of young trees, and on the remainder carries on general farming. He has also other interests, being a stockholder in the Eden Creamery, which he assisted in organizing and establishing.

            April 21, 1884, Mr. Sorensen married Kirsten Larsen, to whom he was engaged when he left his native land. She was born and bred in Denmark, and came to the United States in 1882 in response to the urgent appeals of Mr. Sorensen, who sent her the money to pay her traveling expenses across the ocean and the continent. Three children have blessed the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Sorensen, namely: Thorwald L., a butter maker at Ferndale, Humboldt county; Henry, a student at the Oakland Polytechnic College; and Charles, at home. Politically Mr. Sorensen is a steadfast Republican. Fraternally he is a member of Hayward Lodge, F. & A. M.; of Haywards Lodge, W. of W.; and belongs to the Dania Society of the Pacific Coast.





Transcribed by Marie Hassard 22 September 2015.

­­­­Source: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Page 788. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

© 2015  Marie Hassard.











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