Alameda County










            JAMES A. SMILIE. Among the more prominent and highly esteemed residents of Alameda County is James A. Smilie, of Oakland. One of the leading contractors and builders of the Pacific coast, he was for many years in partnership with his brother Robert, the firm name being Smilie Brothers. They obtained an excellent reputation for superiority and durability of workmanship, their fame extending throughout many counties. These brothers were born on a Canadian farm, not far from Montreal, the birth of Robert Smilie occurring in 1849, and that of James A. Smilie in 1851.

            Having learned the carpenter’s trade in Canada, Robert Smilie came to California in 1875, with limited means, but the master of a trade that is in especial demand in a new and enterprising country. Soon after his arrival, he located in Oakland, becoming a member of the firm of Haskell & Smilie, which existed for four years, during which time the firm was busily employed, contracting, building, operating a planing mill and manufacturing doors and sashes. They erected many of the prominent buildings of that time, including the Hall of Records, in Oakland, the Jewish Synagogue, the Dunn block on Washington street, the residence of Mr. Thompson in Alameda, at a cost of $50,000, a mill at East Oakland, and many handsome residences in Alameda, Berkeley and Oakland. In 1879 the partnership was dissolved, and Robert Smilie carried on business alone for a while, making a specialty of large structures. Aside from building many prominent residences in Oakland, he erected the Linning block, and then spent two years in Seattle, Wash., where he built the court house at a cost of $200,000. He afterward built several churches of note in San Francisco. In 1886 he formed a partnership with his brother, James A. Smilie, the subject of this sketch, and was associated with him until his death in 1899. He was accidentally killed by the fall of timbers that were being hoisted by ropes and tackle while he was filling a contract for a large sugar refinery. A man of great enterprise, Robert Smilie made many wise investments, among other things building, in Oakland, the Metropole hotel, which he furnished and rented, and which is now owned by his estate; and buying, on Webster street, Berkeley, seven acres of land, on which he erected his beautiful residence, costing $30,000, constructed walks and drives, afterward having his grounds beautified by distinctive landscape features, his house and its environments being among the most attractive in the county. At his death Mr. Smilie left a widow and two children.

            Coming to Oakland with his brother Robert in 1875, James A. Smilie worked with him for a while, as his stay on the coast was not then to be permanent. Having interests at home that needed looking after, he returned to Canada in 1881, and spent some time there in settling up an estate. Coming back to Oakland, he became a member of the firm of Smilie Brothers in 1886, and from that date was numbered among the most active and prominent builders and contractors of this section of the state. With his brother, he built the Capen Bakery block, the Macdonough block, the Central Bank building, and other business blocks in Oakland; many of the best modern residences of Oakland, Alameda and Berkeley; the Union Savings Bank in San Francisco, six store buildings in that city and four business blocks for the Fair estate; the Fresno court house; the Palamaras hotel at Pomona; and the Wilcox block in Los Angeles. During all the time this firm was in existence it had a lumber yard in Oakland, and was interested in the culture of fruit. Purchasing the Del Riorey vineyard, in Fresno, of six hundred and fifty-five acres, they devoted five hundred acres of the land to the raising of raisins, figs and peaches, and since the death of his brother Mr. Smilie has served as president of the company owning it. Continuing the business established by Smilie Brothers, James A. Smilie, in 1901, completed the Dalziel & Moller block, and has erected several beautiful residences, five of which he owns, four of them being on Eighth street. The residence which he occupies, located at No. 58 Eighth street, was formerly owned by General Kirkland, and was one of the most costly and spacious dwellings of its day. He has recently returned from a four months’ trip through Great Britain and the continent.

            Mr. Smilie is a Republican in politics. He is a member of St. Andrew’s Lodge, F. & A. M. His brother Robert was also a member of this lodge, which he served officially, and was also a member and past officer in all the Masonic bodies of this locality.





Transcribed by Marie Hassard 17 April 2016.

­­­­Source: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 1075-1076. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

© 2016 Marie Hassard.











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