Alameda County








(Avery & Frank)



     The Scoville iron works, of which Avery and Frank Scoville are the proprietors, ranks among the old and substantial industries of Oakland.  Its inception dates back to 1869, but the plant then established bore a different name and occupied a different location from that of the present day.  The founder of the works, Ives Scoville, was born in the state of New York March 8, 1825, and in common with his father and brothers learned the trade of an iron worker and machinist opening a machine shop in Chicago during the early days of that city's history.  In 1863 he came to California and secured employment at his trade in San Francisco, later working in other towns.  In 1869 he built a plow shop at West Oakland.  During the early part of the '70s the plant was removed to Jefferson and Second streets and subsequently was sold.

     Together with his son Avery, in August, 1887, Ives Scoville established the Scoville iron works at No. 729 Second street.  With the reputation he had previously gained through the reliable character of his work, he was enabled to build up an important business.  After a few years, desiring to retire from active labors, he disposed of his interest in the plant to his sons, Avery and Frank, who in 1891 formed the copartnership(sic) of Scoville Brothers, proprietors of the Scoville iron works.  A general jobbing business in all kinds of machinery as well as to aid in the manufacture of the same.  Business is conducted upon strictly honorable principles and the reputation of the firm is the highest.

     Avery and Frank Scoville are the only living children of Ives Scoville by his marriage to Julia A. Thomas.  The father and sons are connected with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the former being a charter member of Oakland Lodge, in which he has passed all of the chairs, and a member of the Oakland Encampment.  The older son, Avery, has also passed the chairs in the local lodge.  Avery Scoville was born in Chicago, Ill. March 22, 1859, and married Miss May Tinker, a native of Ohio.  Five children comprise their family, named as follows:  Nettie, Abner, Aris, Walter, and George.  Frank Scoville was born January 4, 1869, in the city of Oakland, of which he has been a lifelong resident.  He was united in marriage with Miss May E. Cloudman, who was born at Dutch Flat, Placer county, Cal.; by their union he is the father of three children, Grace, Hazel and LeRoy.  They make their home at No. 1820 Atlantic street, Oakland.





Transcribed 6-3-16  Marilyn R. Pankey.

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 1196-1197. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2016  Marilyn R. Pankey.