Alameda County











     Numbered among the earlier pioneers of prominence in Alameda county is Aaron Schroyer of Fruitvale, who came to the Pacific coast more than half a century ago, following in the wake of the gold seekers.  In common with the majority of his companions, he first sought wealth as a miner, but being disappointed in his search he gave up the pick and shovel and embarked in agricultural pursuits.  With determined effort and persistency of purpose, he continued in his chosen occupation, from time to time making safe investments, and becoming one of the large landholders of the state.  His business transactions were subsequently extended into many diverse interests, always to the augmentation of his fortune, so that for the past twenty years he has lived retired from active business, residing at his pleasant home on Fruitvale avenue.  A son of Benjamin Schroyer, he was born March 26, 1830, in Philadelphia, Pa., being the eldest of a family consisting of three sons and three daughters.

     A native of Pennsylvania, Benjamin Schroyer was born, reared and educated in Bucks county.  Removing to Philadelphia, he was there engaged as a cigar manufacturer and tobacco dealer for many years, carrying on a substantial business.  Coming with his wife to California in 1874, he resided with his son Aaron, the subject of this sketch, until his death, in 1883, at the age of nearly eighty years.  He married Barbara Fulmer, who survived him, after his death making her home with a daughter in New Jersey, where she died in 1886. 

     After leaving the public schools, Aaron Schroyer entered the Germantown Academy, where he completed the full course of study, receiving a diploma.  In 1845 he began the battle of life on his own account, becoming connected with a wholesale and retail establishment in Philadelphia.  Sailing from Philadelphia on July 3, 1849, he came by way of Cape Horn to California, arriving in San Francisco February 8, 1850.  At once beginning his search for gold, Mr. Schroyer went first to the Calaveras mines, but not being successful there proceeded to Eldorado county, where he worked for two years, being located near Diamond Springs.  Then he engaged in the general merchandise business at Matheney's Creek, in partnership with J. Lyton Bostwick, where they remained two years, and lost nearly all he had by trusting the miners, and was compelled to begin at the bottom once more.  Going thence to Sacramento county, he took up a squatter's right on the Consumne river, and was there employed in general farming for two years.  Mr. Schroyer then removed to Marin county, where he continued in agricultural pursuits for eleven years, operating a dairy of fifty cows, and manufacturing butter.  In 1865 he bought two thousand two hundred acres of land at Fort Ross, Sonoma county, and for several years carried on an extensive and remunerative business as a stock-raiser and dealer and dairyman, operating one of the largest creameries in the vicinity.  This ranch he still owns, receiving a good annual income from its rental.  In 1885 he removed to Alameda county, buying his present home place of four acres on Fruitvale avenue, Fruitvale, and has since lived practically retired from the activities of business, although he has been connected with various enterprises.  For seven years Mr. Schroyer was financially interested in the Pacific Refining & Roofing Company of San Francisco, being president three years of the time, but in January, 1904, he severed his connection with the company.  In 1893 he assisted in the organization of the Fruitdale (sic) Sanitary board of which he has been president the past six years.  He was also one of the organizers of the Petaluma Savings Bank, and is a member of the board of directors, a position that he has held a number of years.

     In Nicasio, Marin county, Cal., in 1865, Mr. Schroyer married Mary E. Fitzgerald, a native of Boston, Mass., and they have one child:  Anna Elizabeth, wife of H. A. Sagehorn, a dealer in grain and hay in Oakland.  They have two children, Schroyer A. and Irma A.  Politically Mr. Schroyer affiliates with the Republican party.  Fraternally he is a member of the San Rafael Lodge No. 191, F.& A.M., being one of the two of its living charter members; and belongs to Petaluma Chapter No. 22, R.A.M.





Transcribed 6-24-16  Marilyn R. Pankey.

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Page 1220. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2016  Marilyn R. Pankey.