Alameda County











     A great many changes have taken place in Alameda county under the observation of Jurgen Schroder, who has been a resident of that section for forty-three years.  He was born in Holstein, Germany, February 10, 1841, and was reared on a farm until attaining the age of twenty years.  Deciding in favor of the more varied opportunities of the western world, he emigrated in 1861, coming in that year to California and settling at Mount Eden.  His first employment was on a ranch, where he remained about three years, when he rented two hundred acres at Dublin, Alameda county, and engaged in the cultivation of grain.  He remained in that location for eight years, and in the meantime purchased a ranch in the hills of Sunolglen.  Removing then to his ranch, he proceeded at once to its cultivation and improvement, and for fourteen years made that place his home.  He then sold out and returned to the valley, and rented the property where he now lives, this being located one and a half miles from Decoto, in Washington township, and consisting of seventy acres, while he also farms one hundred and eighty-five acres at Decoto, all given over to the cultivation of hay and grain.  He is a practical and energetic farmer and has made a success in his work since locating in the state.

     The marriage of Mr. Schroder united him with Metta Both, who was also a native of Holstein, Germany, and to them were born the following children:  Herman, at home; Henry, in Alvarado; John, at home; Annie, the wife of Henry G. Behrmann, an engineer in the employ of the Illinois Pacific Glass Company, of San Francisco; and Emil, also employed by that company.  In his political affiliations Mr. Schroder is a Republican.  He has served for twelve years as school trustee.  Fraternally he is a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen.





Transcribed 9-6-15  Marilyn R. Pankey.

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 760. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2015  Marilyn R. Pankey.