Alameda County










     Though not the founder of the first nursery business in Alameda county, Henry Millard Sanborn has been connected with the same for so many years that he is recognized as the father of the nursery business in the community.  Since his arrival in the west June 23, 1869, he has been identified with his present business, which was then owned and conducted by his brother-in-law, James Hutchison, whose death in 1891 left the original business in Mr. Sanborn's hands.  Though long established, Mr. Sanborn has not been content to follow old methods and neglect advancement in all directions, and is now not only one of the largest florists in the county, but is also ranked with the best.  His office and store are at No. 517 Fourteenth street, Oakland, the center for the products of his nursery at No. 3960 Piedmont avenue, while his home is located at No. 475 Twenty-sixth street.

     The family of which Mr. Sanborn is a member traces its ancestry back to the twelfth century, the records being complete up to the present time.  In the sixteenth century two brothers came from their home in England and established the family in America.  Mr. Sanborn's father, Darius Sanborn, was born in New Hampshire April 19, 1808, in manhood married Delina Crossman, of the state of New York, and died in Kansas in 1871.  A daughter, Elizabeth, became the wife of James Hutchison, who established the nursery business in this county in 1852.

     Henry Millard Sanborn was born in Crown Point, Essex county, N.Y., July 27, 1850, and was reared on the paternal farm until he was thirteen years old, when he went to New York City and worked in a grocery store kept by his brother-in-law.  After three years in that location he went to Charlestown, Mass., for a like period, and continued at the same occupation.  In 1869 he came to California in the ship Arizona, landing at San Francisco June 23, of that year, the day after coming to Oakland and engaging in the business since found so profitable.  After the death of Mr. Hutchison he first located at Twenty-sixth street and Telegraph avenue, purchasing his present property of seven acres located just off Fortieth street on Piedmont avenue in 1898, where he now employs eight men.

     The marriage of Mr. Sanborn united him with Sarah Ellen Gladding, a daughter of A. I. Gladding, a pioneer of the state.  Politically Mr. Sanborn is a Republican and has always sought to advance the principles which he endorses, and has ever been found ready to give all aid toward good government as well as the general welfare.  As a member of the board of education he served efficiently for four years.





Transcribed 5-20-16  Marilyn R. Pankey.

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 1184-1185. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2016  Marilyn R. Pankey.