Alameda County










     For the past seventeen years Johannes J. Sandholdt has resided upon a farm of three hundred and fifty acres in Eden township, which he leased for a term of twenty-five years.  Under his able management the property has increased in value and fertility, and is now one of the paying and finely cultivated properties in the vicinity of Alvarado.  Mr. Sandholdt has this farm devoted to dairying, stock, grain and hay, his dairy consisting of thirty cows, the milk from which he takes to the Eden Creamery, of which he was one of the organizers in 1903, and has served as vice-president since that time.  He makes a specialty of young cattle for market, keeping about fifty head.  He is a painstaking and practical farmer, and living always within his income, has saved and wisely invested his earnings.

     Mr. Sandholdt spent the first eighteen years of his life on a farm in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, where his birth occurred, April 30, 1856.  He worked hard and improved his school opportunities, and when he arrived in New York on his eighteenth birthday, April 30, 1874, he had the solid foundation of good health, good spirits and plenty of determination.  His destination being California, he came in an emigrant train to Eden township, where he worked on a ranch five years for Jacob Iversen, thus proving his industry and faithfulness.  When he left his employer he carried with him his good will and promise of assistance if ever needed, and soon after he located on his present farm, where integrity and industry have brought him liberal reward.  His ability has been recognized beyond the borders of his immediate community, and as a member of the Dania Society he has held the highest office in the gift of the society.  In this he served two terms as president and one as vice-president of Thyra Lodge No. 9, of Haywards; also was elected as vice-president and served one year as well as one year as president of the Grand Lodge of California and Nevada.

     In 1881 he married Katie Andersen, a native of Denmark, and one daughter, Emma, was born of this union.  Mr. Sandholdt is a man of pleasing address, of broad knowledge of current events, and marked public spirit.  As a neighbor and friend he is obliging and considerate, and as a business man is appreciated for his practical common sense and unquestioned integrity.





Transcribed 10-4-16  Marilyn R. Pankey.

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 1346-1347. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2016  Marilyn R. Pankey.