Alameda County












The planing mill and manufactory conducted by William J. Roth, one of the important industries of Oakland, is located at No. 514 Second street, and consists of a two-story building, 100x100 feet, equipped in the most modern style, having an eighty-horse power engine and boiler and all other machinery necessary to produce the best grade of work. In addition to a general milling business he turns out sash, doors, tanks, etc., his products being used in Oakland and San Francisco, as well as being shipped to all the coast counties and the interior. He employs on an average twenty-five men the year round. Mr. Roth is a master workman, and through years of constant effort and thought he has met with the success which he deserves, all of it is the result of his own planning, business ability and labor. A native son of California he was born in Santa Cruz, August 28, 1872, a son of Conrad Roth. The latter served in the Mexican war, after which he became a pioneer of California, now being proprietor of a novelty store of San Francisco. His wife, Margaret Hastings, of Scotch ancestry, came from Belfast, Ireland, and settled in America. Of the two daughters and one son born to them, one daughter and the son are now living.

 The second child and youngest living of the family, William J. Roth, was reared in Santa Cruz, where he attended the public schools until he was twelve years old. Securing employment in a planing mill in that city, he remained at work for ten years, during the time attending night school and took a course at the Chestnut Business College of that city. In time he became foremen of the mill, and thus gained an insight into every detail, and a thorough acquaintance with all the departments, though wood turning was his special work. After ten years in his first position he entered a larger mill in Santa Cruz as an employe, (sic) and in 1894 he came to Oakland and bought his present plant, which is now operated under the name of The Standard Planing Mill. He has built up a custom which has since became very lucrative and has numbered him among the successful manufacturers of the city. In 1901 he was able financially to build a new mill adjoining, which has been the means of improving his business in many ways.

In Santa Cruz Mr. Roth married Janet Thompson, of New York state, and they are the parents of two children, Edward and Paul. Fraternally Mr. Roth was made a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows in Oakland, and is also identified with the Woodmen of the World, belonging to Camp No. 94. Politically he is independent in his views, supporting the man whom he considers best fitted to discharge the duties of public office. He is a member and an active worker in the First Methodist Episcopal Church. A forceful and earnest citizen, he is also identified with the Young Men’s Christian Association, being a member of the Young Men’s Building Fund Committee, and in the line of his business he is a charter member of the Alameda County Planing Owners’ Association, in which he is now serving on two important committees, and was also the first temporary secretary of the association. It is not alone the fact that Mr. Roth has succeeded in his undertakings, but the manner in which he has brought about his success, his daily life, and his association with those about him, that have won the commendation of his fellow citizens. He is a broad-minded, public spirited man and citizen, of fertile ideas and boundless energies, and that which he has won only presages a future of continued effort and consequent success.




Transcribed by: Cecelia M. Setty.

­­­­Source: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Page 572. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

© 2015  Cecelia M. Setty.











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