Alameda County











            Although entitled by many years of activity to a retirement from the practical cares of life, Andrew Ross, a successful rancher of Alameda county, still gives his time and attention to the cultivation of his property. He is located one and a half miles north of Newark, in Washington township, on a ranch consisting of eighty-five acres, which has almost doubled in value since he purchased it in 1879. He also owns fifty acres in the hills, the entire property being brought to the highest state of cultivation possible, and enhanced in value by comfortable and ample buildings, fences, and other improvements.

            A descendant of Scotch ancestry, Mr. Ross was born in the north of Ireland June 25, 1825, and was reared to young manhood in that locality and trained to the practical duties of a farmer’s life upon the paternal farm. Deciding to emigrate to the western world, where conditions afforded better opportunities for advancement, he took passage on a sailing vessel, and after a voyage of six weeks landed in New York City in June, 1852. His ability to gain a livelihood lying along agricultural lines, he at once went to the country in Connecticut and worked on a farm and in a paper mil for five years. In February, 1857, he left New York and came to California by way of the Isthmus of Panama, landing in San Francisco March 17 of that year. He came at once to Alameda county and found employment upon a ranch, remaining so engaged for three years, after which, with his accumulated earnings, he purchased a ranch of fifty acres near his present location. This he cultivated and improved and made his home until 1879, in which year he purchased his present ranch of eighty acres, which was part of an old Spanish grant. Since that time he has made his home upon this property, engaging in its cultivation and improvement.

            In November, 1862, Mr. Ross was united in marriage with Jane Houston, who was also a native of the North of Ireland, and to them were born nine children, three of whom died young. Those surviving are as follows: Mary Jane, wife of L. C. Stevenson of Oakland; Adeline, wife of J. E. Foster of Fresno; Rachel; Emma and Mabel, twins; and Edith, at home. In his political convictions Mr. Ross is a Republican, and in religion was reared in the Presbyterian Church. For many years he was trustee of the Presbyterian
Church at Alvarado.




Transcribed by: Cecelia M. Setty.

­­­­Source: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 776-777. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

© 2015  Cecelia M. Setty.









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