Alameda County











SAMUEL ROGERS.  Although of foreign birth, no American-born citizen takes a keener interest in the affairs of his country than Samuel Rogers, a successful orchardist and gardener, located on Dutton avenue, one mile north of San Leandro, Alameda county.  He has been a resident of that section for more than forty years, and has not only won a material success through his energy and industry, but is esteemed as a citizen of sterling worth and one upon whom the honor of any community may safely rest.  Born in the Western Islands April 20, 1846, he is a son of Jackson and Anna Louisa Rogers, both of whom were natives of the islands.  He received his education through attendance upon the common schools of his native country up to the age of fourteen years, when he went to sea on a merchant vessel.  During the seven years in which he followed a seafaring life he was employed on fishing and freight vessels.  He was located at Boston, Mass., for a time, when, in 1860, he came to California and engaged in the mines of this state in connection with his brother, Antone Rogers, whose sketch appears on another page of this volume.  He then bought twenty acres of land on Dutton avenue, near San Leandro, where he has since been located, engaged in the work of an orchardist and gardener.  In Sacramento, Cal., he married Annie Centers, also a native of the Western Islands.  Fraternally Mr. Rogers belongs to the U.P.E.C., and is a member of the Roman Catholic Church.  In his political convictions he is a stanch[sic] Republican.





Transcribed by Donna Toole.

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Page 446. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2015  Donna Toole.











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