Alameda County










     The business of the Eagle Box & Manufacturing Company, of Oakland, established by McIntyre & Abbey in 1880, and incorporated by George Roeth in 1885, since which time he has been president and manager, has kept pace with the rapid growth of the city and has become one of the best known and most reliable manufactories(sic) of boxes and box material in Alameda county.  Originally located on the corner of Second and Washington streets, the plant has occupied its present site on Market, Myrtle and First streets since 1883, and in its various departments covers over a block.  While making a specialty of all kinds and grades of wooden boxes, sash, doors and other requisites for building are turned out in large numbers, and constitute an important source of revenue.  From twenty to forty men are employed the year round, and the box output averages between six and eight hundred thousand per annum.

     Mr. Roeth comes of German ancestry, and was born in Baltimore, Md., March 8, 1859, receiving his preliminary education in the public schools of his native town which was supplemented by further training and graduation from the high school of Kankakee, Ill., his parents having moved to the latter city when he was a boy.  Losing his father at an early age, the youth embarked in a mercantile business in Illinois, and in 1878 came to California and engaged as cashier and bookkeeper for the J. Lusk Canning Company, of Oakland.  Severing his connection with this firm in 1884, he spent a year in investigating various lines of business in the city, and in 1885, incorporated the Eagle Box & Manufacturing Company, of which he has been president and manager.  About the same time he became interested in mining in Sonoma county, and is now part owner and president of the Great Eastern Quicksilver Mining Company.  Many other interests in the state are profiting by his shrewd business sagacity and keen appreciation of western opportunities.  He is a man of action and has the faculty of making light of obstacles which to many would seem insurmountable.  Possessing admirable organizing and executive ability, his services have been in demand on many occasions of local importance, and he rendered especially effective service as secretary of the Oakland Exposition during its existence.

     Mr. Roeth married Louisa J. Pedrini, who was born in Eldorado county, Cal., and was reared in the city of Oakland.  They have three children:  Guglielma L.,  George Jr., and Eunice D.  Mr. Roeth is a prominent Knight Templar, and is otherwise identified with the social life of Oakland.  To an unusual extent he possesses the attributes of tact and consideration, allied with a genial temperament and thorough knowledge of human nature.  As a business man he has the faculty of securing the best possible service from his subordinates, and of making them feel a personal interest in an enterprise which long since established the advantages of hearty co-operation between employer and employe (sic).





Transcribed 6-14-16  Marilyn R. Pankey.

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 1208-1209. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2016  Marilyn R. Pankey.