Alameda County





Thomas M. Robinson, Clerk of Department Two of the Superior Court of Alameda county, was born in Jackson county, Oregon, February 28, 1858, a son of Dr. Jesse Robinson.  (For parentage see preceding sketch of his brother.) [Brother: Edward Constant Robinson. npm] In his eleventh year he came with his parents to Oakland; he went first to Lafayette school, then to the high school, and afterward learned bookkeeping and commercial law under a private tutor.  In November, 1877, he became a clerk in Oakland, and on July 29, 1878, became bookkeeper of the Josephine Mining Company in Josephine county, Oregon, holding that position until 1880, when he returned to Oakland.  In April, 1881, he was appointed deputy Assessor of Oakland township by his father, with whom he remained until the close of his administration of that office in January, 1887.  He was then appointed deputy by Thomas Molloy, Assessor of Alameda county, under whom Mr. Robinson held the position of chief deputy, with the marked acceptance of his principal and the public, until the close of his term in January, 1891, when he received the appointment of deputy County Clerk, and was detailed as Clerk of the Superior Court, Department Two, which position he now fills.  Mr. Robinson is an ideal public officer, being at once capable, diligent and careful, as well as courteous and obliging to all with whom his duties bring him in contact.


He is a member of the Sons of Veterans, U. S. A., Division of California, and a Knight of Pythias.  He is interested in a fruit ranch of 225 acres in Vaca Valley, Solano country, with his youngest brother, Maury, who manages the place.


Mr. T. M. Robinson was married in Oakland, July 27, 1887, to Miss Mary J. Havens, born in Essex county, New York, March 22, 1864, a daughter of Judge H. H. and Elizabeth H. (Shattuck) Havens, now living in this city.  They have three children: Ethel, born September 6, 1888; Constant Havens, January 6, 1890, and Florence, June 23, 1891.


Transcribed by Donna L. Becker. 

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, page 104, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Donna L. Becker.