Alameda County










     A prominent orchardist of Alameda county, located one mile north of San Leandro, is Antone Rogers, who was born on the Western Islands September 10, 1835.  His father, Jackson Rogers, was a native of the same place, where he followed the occupation of farmer until his death.  His wife, Anna Louisa Rogers was also born on the Western Islands.  She came to California in 1864 and made her home with her son until her death.  She was the mother of four sons and one daughter, of whom Antone Rogers was the third in order of birth.  When fourteen years of age he went to sea as cabin boy on a merchant vessel, and was later a steward on a whaler that plied in the Indian and Atlantic oceans.  In 1850 he came to Boston and was engaged in fishing for mackerel off the coast of Newfoundland.  His last voyage on the whaling vessel was forty-two months in duration after which he came to California via the Isthmus of Panama.  Going at once to the mines (in 1860) he was engaged at Folsom and Auburn for two years.  Returning to San Francisco in February, 1863, he secured the position of steward on a lumber coaster, remaining so occupied for seven years.  Following this he was employed on a steamer plying between Santa Cruz, Monterey and Watsonville and up the Salmos(sic) river from San Francisco.  He also worked on a ferry boat between San Francisco and Oakland for two years.  Returning to Boston in 1869, he there married Reita Enos, who was also a native of the Western Islands, and after three months he once more located in California.  Immediately upon his second arrival he purchased the property where he now makes his home.  This consists of ten acres, upon which he first engaged in ranching, later putting it to fruit.  He has since added thirty acres on Davis street, seventeen acres on the Haywards road, besides a five acre and a seven and a half acre lot in San Leandro.  Thirty acres of his property is rented, while he farms the balance.  He also has a store in Centerville.

     Born to himself and wife were thirteen children, eleven of whom attained maturity, while seven sons are now living.  Fraternally Mr. Rogers is associated with the Ancient Order of United Workmen and U.P.E.C.  He belongs to the Roman Catholic Church, and is a Republican in his political convictions.





Transcribed 12-5-16  Marilyn R. Pankey.

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 1404-1405. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2016  Marilyn R. Pankey.