Alameda County




Edward Rigney, proprietor of the Nevada Stables, at the northwest corner of Eighth and Harrison streets, Oakland, was born in Jersey City, New Jersey, April 9, 1854, a son of Martin and Bridget (Devany) Rigney, both natives of Ireland, married in Jersey City and living in Oakland, in 1891, aged, respectively, sixty-five and fifty-four.  Edward is the oldest of their nine children, four sons and five daughters, all living, and was brought up in this State from the age of two years.  The father went to mining near Jackson in Amador county, and in 1858 moved into Calaveras county, where he was interested in farming as well as mining at Mokelumne Hill, owning at one time about 1,000 acres.  In 1878 he moved with his family to this city, where all now reside.


E. Rigney, the subject of this sketch, was educated in the district school to the age of sixteen, and at seventeen began mining on his own account, and soon with marked success.  From 1877 to 1888 he has been chiefly engaged as superintendent of mines, usually owning an interest, and eventually effecting the sale of each.  He was thus connected with the “Safe Deposit,” “What Cheer,” “Amador King,” “Amador  Queen,” “Spring Gulch,” and “Quaker City.”  He was the discoverer of the “Timolus” mine, but before its sale to the Bank of San Jose had sold a part interest therein.  Mr. Rigney is still interested in some mining property, but since October, 1888, when he made his first purchase in his present line, he has given this most of his attention.  Originally a riding school, the Nevada Stables are taking rank among the most prosperous of the livery, sale and boarding stables of Oakland.  Mr. Rigney has also some real estate interests in this city, and is an active, wide-awake and progressive business man.  Of American birth and Irish descent, he is proud of both, and an excellent type of what the Irish race would become with the added endowment of liberty.  In 1890 he aided in the reorganization of the Alameda County Humane Society, and is one of its officers.


Mr. Rigney was married at Mokelumne Hill, July 3, 1887, to Miss Nellie Murphy, born in Calaveras county, February 12, 1867, a daughter of Maurice and Eliza (O’Meara) Murphy; the father deceased comparatively young; the mother, born in 1829, is still living in that county, in 1891.


Mr. and Mrs. Rigney are the parents of two children: Mary, born in Calaveras county, February 17, 1888; Loretta, born in Oakland, in September, 1889.


Transcribed by Donna L. Becker. 

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, page 636, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Donna L. Becker.