Alameda County









            HENRY A. RANDLETT. Among the citizens of Emeryville none is more highly esteemed or remembered with greater affection than are Henry A. Randlett and his wife, both of whom were pioneers in the state wherein they have made their home for so many years. Mr. Randlett is now the proprietor of the hotel known by his name, this building having been erected by its present owner upon a two-acre lot purchased in 1879 in the heart of Emeryville, and is now given over to the comforts of from sixty to one hundred regular patrons.

            Mr. Randlett is the representative of an old New England family, his father, David Randlett, having been born in New Hampshire, and in manhood engaged as a farmer in Maine until his death at the age of eighty years. Henry A. was born in Somerset county, Me., May 17, 1829, and until he was sixteen years old remained upon the paternal farm, being trained to the practical duties and thrifty habits of the New England farmer. When sixteen years of age he left home and, going to the timber lands of Maine, was engaged in driving logs down the river for a period of nine years. He went to Massachusetts in 1853, and October 8 of the same year he was united in marriage, in Lowell, with Hannah Jane Garland. She was born in New Hampshire March 11, 1834, a daughter of Jonathan Garland, also of that state, whose wife, Deborah B. Goss, likewise owed her nativity to New Hampshire. They passed away at the respective ages of seventy-five and sixty-nine years, the father having engaged in agricultural pursuits throughout a long and active life. In 1854 Mr. Randlett brought his wife to La Salle county, Ill., where he bought land and engaged in farming for five years. Interested then in the prospects of the west, they came to San Francisco by way of the Isthmus of Panama, landing on the 5th of June, 1859, after which they located in Potter valley, Mendocino county, Cal., where he ranched two years. In 1861 he went to Big River and thence to Little River of the same county, in the latter place conducting a hotel for five years. Coming in 1873 to the present location of Emeryville, Alameda county, he rented the Oakland Trotting Park for four and a half years, after which, in 1879, he purchased his present property, the management of which has since identified him with the business interests of the place.

            October 8, 1903, Mr. Randlett and his wife celebrated their golden wedding, having traveled life’s journey together for fifty years, clinging faithfully to each other through every sorrow and trouble, and together they look back over the path which their feet have trodden in the new and oft-times wild lands of the west. They have reared and educated five children who were relatives of the family. In his political convictions Mr. Randlett is a Republican and, though not desirous of personal honors in an official capacity, he has given his best efforts toward the promotion of good government. He is much honored and esteemed among those who have known him for so many years.




Transcribed by Marie Hassard 03 July 2016.

­­­­Source: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 1245-1246. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

© 2016 Marie Hassard.











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